Snow Peak의 일본 한정 어패럴 시리즈 「LOCAL WEAR」와 선물로 추천 아이템이나 인기 점포를 소개!

Orchard 피크닉 마츠카와

Japan, 〒399-3304 나가노현 시모이나군 마쓰카와초 오시마 2788-1

Enjoy a gourmet picnic lunch under the shade of fruit trees in Matsukawa, Nagano Prefecture. Matsukawa is known as the "Fruit Village" thanks to its over 600 orchards, where fruit trees have been cultivated for over 100 years. Here, in a beautiful orchard from where you can admire the scenery of the Japanese Alps, you can taste a gourmet lunch prepared by a French chef in total relax. Enjoy an assortment of appetizers, sandwiches, soup, salad and dessert. Everything is carefully prepared using locally sourced seasonal ingredients. There is no time limit. From 11:00 to 16:00, you can lie down and relish the gentle breeze and cool shade. You can also do some fruit picking depending on the season. You can choose your preferred venue from among ten host farms.

영업 시간
  • 월요일:  11:00~14:00
  • 화요일:  Close
  • 수요일:  Close
  • 목요일:  11:00~14:00
  • 금요일:  11:00~14:00
  • 토요일:  11:00~14:00
  • 일요일:  11:00~14:00
전화 번호 0265-36-6320
가까운 역
  • 나고야 IC에서 차로 약 1시간 반 나고야역에서 고속버스로 약 2시간 반 하치오지 IC에서 차로 약 3시간 신주쿠역에서 고속버스로 약 3시간 반
결제 방법
  • 신용카드:가능합니다
  • (JCB/VISA)
Language 日本語 / English
기타 Open on: Early April to November Business hours:  (Picnic set pick-up) 11:00-14:00 (Orchard opening hours) 11:00-16:00 Price: 2,600 yen per meal (tax included) Capacity: Up to 12 meals *The portion for one person is quite large, so if you are a family with small children, it would be enough for 4 people to eat a set for 2 people. Minimum number of participants: 2 people Application deadline: 5 days before In case of rain, the venue will be moved to an orchard with roofed space.

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