Immerse Yourself in Art and History: Unveiling Tokyo's Museum at the Imperial Palace - Treasures of the Imperial Family at Sannomaru Shozokan

Ocean Expo Park

Japan, 905-0206 424 Ishikawa, Motobu-cho, Kunigami-gun, Okinawa Prefecture

This national park was established in commemoration of the Okinawa International Ocean Expo held in Okinawa in 1975, and has a theme of the sun, flowers, and the sea. In the Kuroshio Sea, the main spot of the aquarium, there is the Shark Professor's Room, where you can learn more about the ecology of sharks. Currently, 10 species of sharks are on display, and rare specimens can be observed.

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Language 日本語
Last Update : 2024.05.13   Tabirai JAPAN

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