Mitsui Outlet Park Kisarazu: Only an Hour Away From Tokyo! Stores, Restaurants, Facilities, and More


Japan, 963-0201 1-20 Suimon Higashi, Otsukimachi, Koriyama City, Fukushima Prefecture

This is a Japanese restaurant where you can enjoy local cuisine in a private room in a bamboo forest. We are proud of our specialty dishes such as carp and Fukushima beef shabu-shabu and sukiyaki. A popular lunch menu is the Japanese gozen menu, where you can choose between fish or meat dishes.

Business Time

11:30~14:00 17:00~21:30 Closed Wednesdays and Sundays

Telephone number 024-983-3199
  • 10 minutes by car from Tohoku Expressway Koriyama Minami IC
Language 日本語
Other By appointment only
Last Update : 2024.02.19   Koriyama City, Fukushima Prefecture

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