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Banjo-no-taki (Banjo Falls)

Japan, 776-1 Jizodo, Izu City, Shizuoka Prefecture 410-2515

A 20m-high, 6m-wide waterfall on the upper reaches of the Jizodo River, a tributary of the Kano River. It appears when you go down the stairs across the road from the parking lot of RECAMP Nakaizu (former Banjo-no-taki campsite). You can go down to the immediate vicinity of the waterfall so that it splashes, and you can feel the power of the waterfall up close. There is a pavilion near the waterfall where you can take a break. In addition, about 30m downstream from the waterfall, there is an old zelkova tree called “Thousand Year Tree,” near which there is a picnic area, and further downstream, there is a water area where you can play in the water.

Website https://kanko.city.izu.shizuoka.jp/form1.html?pid=2461
  • [Train/Bus] Mishima Station → Izu Hakone Railway Sunzu Line [to Shuzenji] → Shuzenji Station Approximately 35 minutes Shuzenji Station → Tokai Bus [Bound for Jizodo via Ikadaba] → Jizodo About 25 minutes Jizodo (bus stop) → walk → Banjo Falls about 20 minutes 【car】 Tomei Expressway Numazu IC/Shin Tomei Nagaizumi Numazu IC → Izu Jukan Expressway → Izu Chuo Expressway → Ohito Minami IC → National Route 136 → Prefectural Route 12 → Prefectural Route 59 Approx. 65 minutes
Language 日本語
Last Update : 2023.10.11   MATCHA

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