Mitsui Outlet Park Kisarazu: Only an Hour Away From Tokyo! Stores, Restaurants, Facilities, and More

Shizen-kaiki-no-mori Forest

Japan, 〒685-0412 Fuse, Okinoshima-cho, Oki-gun, Shimane Prefecture

Large Japanese cedar trees over 300 years old, the endemic Oki rhododendron, and other precious plant and animal species make this forest a popular place to explore nature. From the Nakadani Rest Area (accessible by car), you can either take a short walk through the forest or access a few hiking trails and lookout points, including a trail leading to Byōbu-iwa (Folding Screen Rock) Lookout, or a longer one to the top of Mt. Daimanji. We recommend hiring a guide to ensure your safety and enrich your experience.

Business Time
  • Monday:  -
  • Tuesday:  -
  • Wednesday:  -
  • Thursday:  -
  • Friday:  -
  • Saturday:  -
  • Sunday:  -
  • From Saigō Port 65 min by car, then 10 min on foot
Language 日本語
Last Update : 2022.11.15   MATCHA

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