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Information Center "Tenkuu no siro"

Japan, 669-5252 363, Takeda, Kamimachi Nishigawa, Wadayama-cho, Asago-shi, Hyogo Prefecture

Get to know Japan's Machu Picchu, "Castle in the Sky - Takeda Castle" You can learn more about Takeda Castle through a life-size replica of the stone walls of the Takeda Castle ruins, a bird's-eye view model of the Takeda Castle ruins, the Takeda Castle Theater, and a document exhibition room. In addition to providing tourist information for Asago City, volunteer guides are also accepted here. Souvenirs from the Takeda Castle ruins, as well as original Takeda Castle ruins goods such as sweets, clear files, and postcards are also available for purchase.

Business Time
  • Monday:  9:00~17:00
  • Tuesday:  9:00~17:00
  • Wednesday:  9:00~17:00
  • Thursday:  9:00~17:00
  • Friday:  9:00~17:00
  • Saturday:  9:00~17:00
  • Sunday:  9:00~17:00
Telephone number 079-674-2120
  • If you are coming by car The nearest interchange is Wadayama IC on the Kitakinki Toyooka Expressway and Bantan Renraku Expressway. After getting off the interchange, turn left at the "Wadayama IC Mae" traffic light and it is about a 10-minute walk to each parking lot. The nearest parking lot is Takeda Machinaka Parking Lot, which is a 3-minute walk away. For information about parking lots, please see the Takeda Castle Ruins access map on the Takeda Castle Ruins website. If you are coming by train The nearest station is Takeda Station on the JR Bantan Line. It is a 5-minute walk from JR Takeda Station.
Language 日本語
Last Update : 2024.07.12   North Kinki Regional Tourism Federation

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