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Gokayama General Information Center

Japan, 754 Kaminashi, Nanto City, Toyama Prefecture, 939-1914

We have tourist information, pamphlets, video materials, etc. for the Gokayama area, Toyama Prefecture, Ishikawa Prefecture, the Hida area of Gifu Prefecture, and more. You can also enjoy playing musical instruments such as folk songs.

Business Time
  • Monday:  9:00~17:00
  • Tuesday:  9:00~17:00
  • Wednesday:  9:00~17:00
  • Thursday:  9:00~17:00
  • Friday:  9:00~17:00
  • Saturday:  9:00~17:00
  • Sunday:  9:00~17:00
Telephone number 0763-66-2468
Website https://gokayama-info.jp/
Wi-Fi Yes
Language 日本語 / English
Last Update : 2024.08.30   Nanto City Tourism Association

The contents on this page may partially contain automatic translation.