Fuji Safari Park: See Wild Animals With Mt. Fuji in the Background!

Yui Maenosu Intertidal Shore Platform

Japan, Oil well in Okinoshima-cho, Oki-gun, Shimane Prefecture 685-0102

The waters along the coast here are very shallow, and with good weather conditions the water surface becomes a natural mirror, reflecting the sun. This platform is composed of sediments from the time when the land forming the current island was located at the bottom of a large lake (about 20 million years ago). The land was later eroded by wind and waves, and continues to be eroded today. Maenosu forms the largest wave-cut platform on Dōgo Island, with an expanse of 170 m by 220 m. Bring your sandals and take a leisurely walk through the shallow waters while enjoying the sunset.

Open in Google Maps
Business Time
  • Monday:  -
  • Tuesday:  -
  • Wednesday:  -
  • Thursday:  -
  • Friday:  -
  • Saturday:  -
  • Sunday:  -
  • From Saigō Port 50 min by car
Last Update : 2022.11.14   MATCHA

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