Immerse Yourself in Art and History: Unveiling Tokyo's Museum at the Imperial Palace - Treasures of the Imperial Family at Sannomaru Shozokan

Bichu branch temple

Japan, 1046 Kanbayashi, Soja City, Okayama Prefecture 719-1123

One of the Kokubunji temples built throughout the country at the request of Emperor Shomu during the Nara period. It was built to protect the country from natural disasters and famine with the help of Buddhism. The buildings that remain today were rebuilt during the Edo period. A five-storied pagoda with a height of approximately 34 meters rises within the precincts, and is famous as one of the most representative views of Kibiji. The only five-storied pagoda in Okayama Prefecture is designated as an important cultural property. It is becoming increasingly popular as a cycling spot, where you can take photos of the five-storied pagoda built in the countryside, rape blossoms, astragalus, and sunflowers.

Telephone number 0866-94-3155
  • Approximately 10 minutes from Okayama Expressway Soja IC or Sanyo Expressway Kurashiki IC Approximately 15 minutes by taxi or 20 minutes by rental bicycle from JR Soja Station Araki rental bicycle (in front of JR Soja station) Parking: 200 regular cars, 15 buses
Language 日本語
Other Astragalus: Late April to early May (The Renge Festival is held on April 29th every year.) Sunflower: Late June to late July Volunteer guide:
Last Update : 2024.02.15   Okayama Prefecture Tourism Federation

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