Mitsui Outlet Park Kisarazu: Only an Hour Away From Tokyo! Stores, Restaurants, Facilities, and More

Seafood restaurant Fukushin

Japan, 8616102 6003-1, Gozu, Matsushima-cho, Kamiamakusa-shi, Kumamoto Prefecture

From the restaurant, you can enjoy seafood cuisine unique to Amakusa in a great location with a view of the bright red No. 5 Bridge. There is a full menu of donburi dishes such as sea urchin donburi, abalone donburi, and prawn tempura donburi.

Business Time
  • Monday:  11:00~15:00,17:00~21:00
  • Tuesday:  Close
  • Wednesday:  11:00~15:00,17:00~21:00
  • Thursday:  11:00~15:00,17:00~21:00
  • Friday:  11:00~15:00,17:00~21:00
  • Saturday:  11:00~21:00
  • Sunday:  11:00~21:00
Payment method
  • Credit card:Available
  • (JCB/VISA/Mastercard/American Express)
  • Electronic money:Available
  • (Suica)
  • QR payment:Available
  • (Paypay/Alipay)
Language 日本語
Last Update : 2024.05.09   Tabirai JAPAN

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