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Mount Uncho Daimyoji Temple

Japan, 679-3341 463 Kurokawa, Ikuno-cho, Asago City, Hyogo Prefecture

Daimyo-ji Temple is a famous temple of the Myoshinji school of the Rinzai sect of Buddhism, and is said to have been founded in 1367 by Sho of Getsuan in Mino. The Kaisan-do Hall, said to have been built during the Nanboku-cho period, has a thatched, gabled roof and a statue enshrined in the center, with wooden statues of Getsuan Osho and Yamana Tokihiro enshrined in the back. Other remains include a self-praise portrait of the founder, a red seal letter issued by Tokugawa Iemitsu when he bestowed 15 koku of temple land, and a statue of the Bodhisattva of Mercy.

Telephone number 079-679-2640
  • If you use a car Chugoku Expressway (Fukusaki IC) → Get off at Bantan Link Road (Ikuno ramp) Approx. 1 hour 30 minutes from Osaka Approx. 1 hour 20 minutes from Kobe Approx. 2 hours from Kyoto Chugoku Expressway (Fukusaki IC) → Get off at Aogaki IC Approx. 1 hour 30 minutes from Osaka Approx. 1 hour 20 minutes from Kobe Approx. 2 hours from Kyoto If you use JR/Get off at Ikuno Station on the Bantan Line and take a taxi for 33 minutes Approx. 1 hour 50 minutes from Osaka by express train (via JR Kobe Line) Approx. 1 hour 30 minutes from Kobe by express train (via JR Kobe Line) Approx. 2 hours 30 minutes from Kyoto by express train (via JR Sanin Main Line)
Language 日本語
Last Update : 2024.08.05   North Kinki Regional Tourism Federation

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