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Meta Nakajima Community
The Meta Nakajima Project is a new attempt at regional revitalization that began in December 2022.

Nakajima, an isolated island belonging to Matsuyama City, Ehime Prefecture, is blessed with beautiful beaches and other rich nature, and is also known for its mandarin orange cultivation. This project uses NFTs and the metaverse to provide an experience as a resident of Nakajima. This time, we will be distributing 🍊Meta Nakajima Resident Card NFTs🍊 to participants of local events and contributors to community activities. We will continue to provide opportunities that condense the charm of Nakajima, such as an aroma distillation experience using mandarin oranges harvested locally and a sauna loyly experience using distilled water that you have distilled yourself. Let's work together as residents of Meta Nakajima, beyond online and offline! Meta Nakajima Community: Official website:

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