[Hiroshima/Miyajima] Standard day trip course recommended for beginners

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Introducing the ``Hiroshima & Miyajima Edition,'' a no-fail Hiroshima day trip model course that allows you to fully enjoy Hiroshima even within a limited amount of time!

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Time required: approximately 220 minutes

directions_walk On foot
directions_boat Ferry

Hiroshima Peace Memorial Museum

move on foot

Atomic bomb dome

move on foot


After walking to Motoyasu Bridge/Ferry Pier, board the boat for about 45 minutes on the World Heritage Route.Walk from Miyajima Pier.

Miyajima Omotesando Shopping Street

move on foot

Itsukushima shrine

Recommended for those visiting Hiroshima for the first time!

This course allows you to experience Hiroshima's history and culture in one day while visiting the city's classic spots. Please use this as a reference when visiting Hiroshima!

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Hiroshima Prefecture is not just about the world heritage sites of Miyajima and the Atomic Bomb Dome. Hiroshima is full of delicious food! Okonomiyaki, which is synonymous with Hiroshima, fresh seafood such as oysters, octopus, sea bream, and conger eel, Onomichi ramen, which is now nationwide, Hiroshima beef, which is highly regarded for its high meat quality, handmade soba, lemons and oranges, which are the largest producers in Japan.・Abundant food resources such as grapes are unique to Hiroshima. Many events unique to the region are also held, such as the sea festival, kagura, and Mibu flower rice planting. Cycling, trekking, skiing and snowboarding on the Shimanami Kaido will keep you active. Miyajima, which is registered as a World Heritage Site, and the Atomic Bomb Dome are not the only attractions, and there are many ways to enjoy it.

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