[Drinking from the day!] The 5th Ozu Nighttime Detour Bar

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The 5th Ukai Bar will be held from 8pm on Saturday, May 25th, 2024. Ozu Nighttime Ukai Bar is an event where stores in the castle town of Ozu City, Ehime Prefecture, team up to extend their business hours until 8pm and provide their own special "recommended sake." This will be the 5th event, and in ...

Latest update :

Go bar hopping in the castle town!

On Saturday, May 25, 2024, the 5th Ozu Night-End Bar will be held in the castle town area of ​​Ozu City, Ehime Prefecture.

Detour Bar is an event where each establishment offers a special drink of their "oshizake" (a drink with side dishes) for just 500 yen, allowing you to enjoy bar-hopping from establishment to establishment.

Following on from the previous stamp rally, many establishments will start serving alcohol from around noon so that you can enjoy the event from the afternoon onwards.

We also offer non-alcoholic drinks, so those who come by car can enjoy them too.

Please come and join us.

For more information, please see the official Instagram account below or the flyer at the bottom.

Ozu Night Bar Official Instagram

Also, if you are coming from outside Ozu city, why not try staying at the "NIPPONIA HOTEL Ozu Jokamachi" ? If you are interested, please also refer to this article!

Check out the official website of "NIPPONIA HOTEL Ozu Castle Town"

Date and Time

Saturday, May 25, 2024

11:00am - 8:00pm

*The start time of service varies depending on the store. Please check the flyer for details.

Participating stores

・Shop・Corridor Murakami Residence

・Ozu Town Station Asamoya

・Robin's Garden

・Kawakubo Coffee Shop

・Old Ito Residence


・Senmi extract


・Garyu Brewery

・Daimatsu Leather Craft


・NIPPONIA HOTEL Ozu Castle Town TUNE Building

・Teahouse Hiranoya


Written by

Ozu City belongs to an area called Nanyo on the western side of Shikoku, and is centered around the Ozu Basin, facing the Seto Inland Sea to the north and the Shikoku Mountains to the south. The clear stream, Hijikawa River, flows through the center of the city, and as the name suggests, the river curves like an elbow. Ta. In the Edo period, the remains of a prosperous castle town around Ozu Castle are still alive on the banks of the Hijigawa River.

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