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ミシュランガイドにも選ばれた「立食い鮨 鮨川」で、日本の伝統的な立ち食い寿司スタイルを体験し、寿司文化に深く触れてみませんか?約1.5時間のこの特別な体験では、熟練の寿司職人と直接触れ合いながら、寿司作りの秘密を学ぶことができます。

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Japan Destination is a specialized team within Vision Inc., dedicated to providing top-tier inbound travel services across Japan. As a branch of Vision Inc., our team leverages the company's innovative spirit to offer personalized travel experiences. We cater to a diverse clientele, from student groups and VIP families to corporate visitors, ensuring each journey is unique and memorable. With a strong network and expertise in Japan's culture and tourism, we deliver tailored travel solutions, collaborating with partners from over seven countries to create unforgettable experiences.
