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Mitaka Station, Tokyo's Best 18 Restaurants in Japan 2024

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Here are the Best 18 Restaurants near Mitaka Station, Tokyo, as rated by locals. Enjoy Kappou / Small dishes, Kaiseki, Tempura, French, Sushi, Italian and more!

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We have prepared 18 of the most popular and recommended restaurants near Mitaka Station for you. Discover the best restaurants Japan has to offer.

Disclaimer: Please note that this article is an automatic translation and may contain typos.

1. Yakitori Yamamoto

1-19-8 Nakamachi, Musashino City, Tokyo City Heights Musashino City B1F

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A yakitori izakaya that is familiar to the locals, located about a 5-minute walk from Mitaka Station. Their flagship yakitori (grilled chicken skewers) is a superb dish made with carefully selected ingredients and attention to detail, including the manufacturing method. In addition to yakitori, there are many dishes that go well with sake. There are only counter seats, and the dark lighting makes it easy to enjoy yakitori even by yourself.

2. Soba Sankyu

4-16-48 Shimorenjaku, Mitaka City, Tokyo

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3. Chicken Koku Chinese Suzuki

3-28-21 Shimorenjaku, Mitaka City, Tokyo Public Corporation Mitaka Ekimae Second Apartment B 1

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4. Menya Sakurai

2-15-27 Nishikubo, Musashino City, Tokyo

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5. Sasayoshi

3-33-17 Shimorenjaku, Mitaka City, Tokyo Gracias Mitaka 1F

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6. Tsukemen TETSU Mitaka

3-46-1 Shimorenjaku, Mitaka-shi, Tokyo Dila Mitaka Taka outside the ticket gate 1F

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7. Takitaro

Second Shiroyama Heights 1F, 4-16-47 Shimorenjaku, Mitaka City, Tokyo

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8. Hotel Okura Restaurant Mitaka Chinese Garden Momotei

Cantonese cuisine
3-38-4 Shimorenjaku, Mitaka, Tokyo Mitaka Industrial Plaza 2F

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9. Handmade Soba Taikofuku

3-23-17 Shimorenjaku, Mitaka, Tokyo Ishii Corporation B1F

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10. Sweets shop Takane

sweet shop
3-32-6 Shimorenjaku, Mitaka City, Tokyo

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11. Chinese noodles Mitaka

New Eminence B1F, 3-27-9 Shimorenjaku, Mitaka, Tokyo

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12. Dumpling Harbin

chinese dumpling
3-31-8 Shimorenjaku, Mitaka City, Tokyo

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13. Original Harbin

chinese dumpling
3-31-9 Shimorenjaku, Mitaka City, Tokyo

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14. Ramen Bunzo

3-22-6 Shimorenjaku, Mitaka City, Tokyo

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15. Coty

2-25-15 Nishikubo, Musashino City, Tokyo

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16. Wilbius

Park Familia 1F, 3-3-50 Shimorenjaku, Mitaka, Tokyo

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17. essence

2-12-29 Shimorenjaku, Mitaka, Tokyo 2F

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18. Kintoki

Japanese cuisine, small dishes
1-23-13 Nakamachi, Musashino-shi, Tokyo Renescopan 1F

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