Kurashiki Bikan Historical Quarter Specialty! ? Eat "denim color" gourmet!

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Kurashiki, the mecca of domestic jeans. “Kurashiki Denim Street” is recommended if you want to taste blue gourmet with outstanding impact in the Kurashiki Bikan Historical Quarter! Steamed meat bun dyed in indigo! Shochu High! ? Such. Let's eat local gourmet food unique to Okayama.

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Kurashiki Denim Street / Kurashiki City

Just like denim alley! ? "Kurashiki Denim Street", where Kurashiki's Kojima brand shops are lined up, is a popular spot in the Kurashiki Bikan Historical Quarter where you can feel the essence of domestic denim. People were lining up at the take-out corner to experience the “blue gourmet” that is associated with denim!

[Kurashiki Denim Street]

Address: 1-10-11 Chuo, Kurashiki-shi Business hours: 9:30-17:30 (changes depending on the season)

Closed: Open all year round (except year-end and New Year holidays)

Click here for details

denim bun

A famous Kurashiki specialty! ? It is the most popular "denim bun". The visual impact is also No.1. looks delicious! And it won't be instantaneous, but it's probably the work of the brain. It transcends fixed concepts.

Whether you look at it from above or from the side, it's still blue. This is definitely a happy blue steamed bun! ? Unusual local gourmet food unique to Kurashiki. Meat bean paste made with black pork is sweet and moist. It's easy to eat, so everyone can enjoy it regardless of age.

denim soft cream

The soft serve ice cream is also slightly dyed in denim color! The refreshing ramune flavor spreads in your mouth, giving you a relaxing taste. It seems that the secret ingredient contains blueberries. Excellent compatibility with a firm cone.

denim squash

Peach sherbet unique to Okayama, the production area of ​​white peaches, is fluffy. Not only is it a denim color, but it also has a refreshing feeling that reminds you of the blue of the Seto Inland Sea and the sky! The delicious peach sorbet is also irresistible. It's a refreshing summer treat.

denim lemonade

The denim color is beautiful, but this is a lemonade that you can enjoy the beautiful gradation from blue to purple! The scent and sweet and sour taste of thickly sliced ​​lemon. It has a refreshing taste that makes you want to drink it again and again, and you can refresh yourself.

denim lemon chuhai

is that so. Do you have chuhai? Strolling along the Kurashiki River with a chuhai in hand, isn't it the best? Lemon ✖ carbonated stimulation. It is also very filling. The Bikan Historical Quarter will make you feel tipsy while enjoying the deep denim color with your eyes. Let's observe the manners and go around.

photo spot

After enjoying the delicious denim gourmet, it's fun to look for photo spots here and there on the street. At the far end is a cute wooden bench with denim decorations. Everyone was taking turns sitting and taking pictures.

Even the block that replaced the door stopper for the wooden door was unified with denim! A cute denim bear welcomes you. In addition, the mat at the entrance of the shop has a denim design, so you can't relax until your feet.

denim goods

In the store where about 10 denim brands are gathered together, original jeans are of course available. Key holders and remake denim. Umbrellas, stuffed animals, and children's clothes! All kinds of denim-related products are lined up. Reliable quality made in Japan. You might be able to find your favorite Kurashiki souvenir.

Kurashiki Riverside

Beside the denim-colored gourmet that looks good in the townscape of Namako-kabe. While sitting on a stone wall along the Kurashiki River. While relaxing and watching the river boat tour. Enjoy Okayama's Bikan Historical Quarter to your heart's content!

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Okayama Prefecture is located in the center of western Japan and is known as the ``Land of Sunny'' due to its mild climate with little rain throughout the year. Conveniently located in the middle of famous sightseeing spots in Kyoto, Osaka, and Hiroshima! It is also the gateway to Shikoku via the Seto Ohashi Bridge. Okayama is also known as the "Fruit Kingdom," and the fruits that have been exposed to the sun in the warm climate of Setouchi are of the highest quality in terms of sweetness, aroma, and taste. You can enjoy seasonal fruits such as white peach, muscat, and pione! There are also world-class sightseeing spots such as ``Okayama Castle'', ``Okayama Korakuen'', one of Japan's three famous gardens, and Kurashiki Bikan Historical Quarter, which are proud of their history, culture, and art!

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