Picture-Perfect Summer in Japan: Creative Sunflower Photo Ideas

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When it comes to traveling to Japan in the summer, we recommend visiting the sunflower fields that are in full bloom from late July to August. The golden scenery of sunflowers bathed in sunlight is one of the most iconic aspects of summer in Japan. Here are three ideas for taking photos with sunflow...

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" Capture My Japan " is a photography service for tourists visiting Japan from overseas, provided by Lovegraph Co., Ltd , one of Japan's largest on-location photography session businesses.

If you use the coupon code "MCM-12434" when applying, you can get a 5% discount and experience a professional photo shoot!

Apply for a Capture My Japan photoshoot using your 5% off coupon

Please take a look at the following article for more details about shooting with "Capture My Japan".

1. In the middle of a sunflower field

First, let's take a photo in the middle of a sunflower field. This is the simplest way to take a photo.

Sunflowers vary in height and size depending on the variety. Don't be intimidated, just stand in front of a sunflower field and try taking photos. After that, you can take a wide variety of photos by walking along the walkway between the fields or taking photos from a little distance away.

2. Make eye contact with the little sunflowers

Once you get used to taking photos, try crouching down to match the eye level of the sunflowers.

During photography, it is often the case that if you just lower your line of sight a little, a completely different view will unfold before you. Just by being at the same height as a short sunflower, you will mysteriously feel like you have returned to your childhood. This is also a great way to photograph children.

3. Sunflower in hand

If you want to try taking some original photos, we recommend preparing some sunflowers in advance and bringing them with you.

For a more romantic look, try placing it in front of your face or gently placing it between two people. Also, using seasonal items like straw hats will make the summer look even more appealing.

Leave your sunflower photography to CMJ

What do you think of the three photography ideas we introduced so far? We hope they will be helpful for your trip!

Sunflowers bloom all over Japan from July to September! If you take a walk in the suburbs, you may see them blooming on the roadside. Don't give in to the heat and enjoy the scenery that can only be seen in midsummer!

All of the photos in this article were taken by professional photographers from the photography service " Capture My Japan ."

Why not take photos of your family, loved ones, and friends who came to Japan with you, as well as the scenery? With Capture My Japan, you can take photos at your favorite locations throughout Japan. English-speaking photographers will be in charge of the shoot, communicating closely with you.

Prices start from 49,500 yen per hour (including 50 edited photos). Currently, if you enter the coupon code "MCM-12434" when applying, you can get a 5% discount on your photography experience. If you're considering using Capture My Japan, be sure to take advantage of this offer!

Apply for a Capture My Japan photoshoot using your 5% off coupon

Official website: https://capturemy.jp/

Photographers: https://lovegraph.notion.site/Photographers-2e00aa4468c0438dafe5ce576dd39be7

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"Capture My Japan " is a photography service for tourists visiting Japan from overseas by Lovegraph Co., Ltd, which operates one of Japan's largest on- location photography session businesses. Would you like to capture yourself along with the beautiful scenery of Japan with a professional photographer? You can experience shooting at your favorite travel destinations such as Tokyo, Kyoto, and Osaka. Capture My Japan's photographers have bases all over the country and can handle shooting in a wide range of areas. We have photographers who have passed a strict screening process, so you can leave your shooting to us with confidence! Japanese photographers who have a good understanding of each region will take care of your needs. Why not leave your memories of your trip to Japan together in a wonderful way?

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