[Kuroshio Town, Kochi Prefecture] Full of charm! A town where the sea and people are connected. Kuroshio Town

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Kuroshio Town is located in the western part of Kochi Prefecture. Please come and visit Kuroshio Town, which lives in harmony with nature!

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〈Kuroshio Town facing the Pacific Ocean, rich in nature〉

Kuroshio Town, facing the Pacific Ocean, is surrounded by the rich nature brought about by the Kuroshio Current.
A natural landscape that blends into everyday life, and a food culture that takes full advantage of the blessings of the sea.
You can find various attractions in Kuroshio Town.

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The Hata region of Kochi Prefecture is located at the southwestern tip of Shikoku, and is a peninsula that juts out into the Pacific Ocean, facing Tosa Bay to the east and Bungo Channel to the west. It is made up of three cities, two towns, and one village: Hara Village. It is a natural powerhouse rich in blessings, including the nationally famous Shimanto River and Cape Ashizuri, the blessings of the Kuroshio Current that flows along the coast, and the blessings of mountains that boast the largest area of ​​forests in the country.

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