[Showa Retro] Travel back in time to 1966 at the Memories Warehouse

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Omoide Warehouse, located at the back of Pokopen Yokocho in Ozu City, Ehime Prefecture, is an exhibition facility based on the concept of Ozu in 1966, with toys, cars, bicycles, and more from that time on display.

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We recommend staying at NIPPONIA HOTEL Ozu Castle Town when you come to Omoide Warehouse. If you are staying overnight, please also refer to the article below.

Check out the official website of “NIPPONIA HOTEL Ozu Castle Town”

Inside the exhibition facility, which is a renovated storehouse, is Japan 50 years ago!!

When you step inside the Memories Warehouse, you are transported to Japan 50 years ago. The worldview of the next generation of My Neighbor Totoro is expanding.

Cars from that time are also on display, as well as signboards that were used in Ozu at the time.

Equipment outline

Address 103 Ozu, Ozu City, Ehime Prefecture

Phone number 0893-57-6655 (Ozu City Tourist Information Center)

Business hours 9:30-16:30 (admission until 16:00)

Closed at the end of the year (12/29-12/31)

Price: 200 yen for adults / 100 yen for junior high school students and younger

Parking available [Ozu Machino Station Asamoya] 43 regular cars / 6 large vehicles 5 minutes walk from the parking lot

The items on display here are actually the belongings of a collector in the city, and are displayed after bicycle shops in Ozu closed down. Therefore, all authentic items from that time are on display.

The item in this photo was apparently taken from a candy shop in Ozu.

This is an exhibit that recreates the police box as it was in 1966. I'm sure it will make the person stationed there at the time feel good.

On the left side of the photo, there is also an exhibit that recreates a drug store in Ozu.

This is an exhibition that recreates a tea room in Japan in 1966. It is decorated with a 1966 calendar from a local bank that was distributed around town at the time.

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Ozu City belongs to an area called Nanyo on the western side of Shikoku, and is centered around the Ozu Basin, facing the Seto Inland Sea to the north and the Shikoku Mountains to the south. The clear stream, Hijikawa River, flows through the center of the city, and as the name suggests, the river curves like an elbow. Ta. In the Edo period, the remains of a prosperous castle town around Ozu Castle are still alive on the banks of the Hijigawa River.

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