Why AJINOMOTO Gyoza is Loved in Japan - Event Details Included

【Hata's Hamper】High quality, refined, delicious and fresh products to your home directly

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Our Keyword is "Shun in season" After living abroad for 28 years and flying to more than 50 countries, I am proud to present Hata's Hamper's best choices "SHUN in Season", having experienced the best of the best all over the world.

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Meet the Founder

My name is Noriko Hata, the owner of Hata's Hamper.

We are a family of three. I have an Australian husband and a 10 year old daughter, based in Kobe and Furano.

The most challenging thing my husband encountered when he first began living in Japan was that there were virtually no Japanese based English websites that he could do local online shopping.

“What can I do for him?” That was the idea that led to the opening of Hata's Hamper.

When I thought about what I could do with my English ability I realized that I can incorporate my entire life experience of living abroad into Hata's Hamper (Ha-Ha).

I lived overseas for 28 years while working within the airline industry and that has afforded me the privilege of traveling to more than 50 countries around the world and experiencing the food culture and local culture of each country. I am a voracious eater/foodie, and I have eaten my way through many delicious cuisines around the world.

I started this business with the aim of introducing the high quality "Made in Japan" and "Grown in Japan" products that I have experienced to English-speaking people living in Japan. I know all the products introduced to you on Hata's Hamper personally, and I trust you will enjoy them as much as I do.

First starting with Furano, a place I love, I intend to then introduce you all to delicious and amazing foods from all over Japan.

If there is anything you think we have missed or you want to try when you come to Japan, I would love to hear from you in the comments.

Direct to Your Table

Hata's Hamper is delivered directly from the producers to the customer after harvest/production.

Locally Made

Hata's Hamper is proud to offer produce that is made in Japan, with the utmost care and attention to detail by the producers.

Carefully Selected

Hata's Hamper will not seek out cooperating producers from the general public, but will offer what Hata's Hamper and our associates consider delicious and wonderful.

Our wish

Hata's Hamper wishes to provide an environment where not only Japanese people, but also foreigners living in Japan who are fluent in English, can shop as if they were Japanese people shopping in Japanese.

Homepage : Hata's Hamper (hatas-hamper.com)

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