[Kyoto/Higashiyama] Recommended spots around Kennin-ji Temple and trivia about Kyoto's name. The Roji is a dead end. What about Zushi, Oji, and Koji?

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Hello everyone. My name is Fumiha Ooka and I am a CEC member. Kennin-ji is a highly prestigious temple, ranking third among Kyoto's five temples, and is famous as the oldest Zen temple in Kyoto. Many of you may have visited it before. This time, we would like to introduce Miyagawa-cho, a nearby spot...

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Miyagawa-cho, one of the red light districts

Now, I have a question about the red light district "Miyagawacho." Do you know why it was named "Miyagawa Town"? It is said that the name ``Miyagawa'' originates from the fact that ``the ritual of washing the mikoshi of Yasaka Shrine is held in the Kamogawa River around here .''

Shrines are also called ``Omiya'', as there is also the expression ``Omiya Mairi''. Yasaka Shrine is a famous shrine in this area. It seems that it came to be called ``Miyagawa'' because it was the ``river'' of ``Omiya'' at Yasaka Shrine.

Miyagawa-cho is famous as one of Kyoto's five entertainment districts. Its history dates back to the early Edo period. It developed as an entertainment district from the time of Izumo Okuni's ``Kabuki Dance'', and later developed into a teahouse district along with the tradition of Kabuki. "Miyagawa Town" has a three-ringed emblem. Each of Kyoto's five geisha districts has its own unique emblem, so be sure to take a look when you visit the geisha district.

The emblem of Miyagawa Town is three rings. The meanings of each are said to be temples and shrines, townhouses, and geisha quarters.

Alley tour

I'm sure many of you are familiar with the "checkerboard pattern." Kyoto is characterized by its clearly defined roads both vertically and horizontally. But that's a story about Rakuchu. It seems that people in the past were not able to fully develop the area beyond the Kamogawa River, which is called Rakuto , and this area is full of narrow, winding roads.

There are actually many dead-end traps here in Miyagawa-cho, where townhouses are lined up! Even the locals were confused, so the solution the townspeople came up with was to name the street.

Everyone, don't go to Roji. Written in kanji, it means "Roji-alley". This is a "dead end" sign . Be careful if you see a signboard for “○○ Alley”! It's a dead end.

It is posted at the entrance to the alley.

The plate is grilled. This is unique to Miyagawa-cho, which is close to Gojozaka, the birthplace of Kiyomizu-yaki.

On the other hand, "Sushi (Zushi, Zuko)" is OK. It's a "You can pass" sign. By the way, "Oji (Oji)" and "Koji (Koji)" are also OK. It is a type of ``zushi'' and is apparently used to refer to a particularly wide road.

in conclusion

What did you think? Miyagawa Town is a wonderful town full of humanity. Please come and visit us. But please be careful with "Roji".

May your travels be filled with wonderful experiences.

Planning cooperation|Maimai Kyoto

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