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Ranking of items commonly left behind by foreign visitors tourists visiting Japan!

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Have you ever forgotten something while traveling in Japan? I love both important things that I received from loved ones and ordinary everyday items, so it would be really frustrating and inconvenient if I lost them. We asked a specialist in delivering lost and found items about lost items. Ranking ...

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Ranking of places where people often forget things

1st place: Trains and stations

One possible reason is that tourists are often pressed for departure times and tend to forget things when moving in a hurry.

2nd place: Hotels and inns

Hotels and inns are like a home, so you can unpack all your belongings and leave any souvenirs you have bought during your stay. It seems like you often forget to put things somewhere when packing, worrying about whether you can fit everything into your suitcase.

In addition, tourists tend to forget things because they have to pack and unpack their luggage every time they change hotels or inns.

3rd place: On the road

You may be a little surprised by this result, but it turns out it's actually quite common.

You may have accidentally dropped something while taking it out of your bag or pocket.

Ranking of most dropped items

1st place: Wireless earphones such as air pods

The objects are small and easy to lose. However, earphones allow us to enjoy music and videos anytime and anywhere, making them indispensable items.

2nd place: Clothing

Since you will be staying abroad for a long time, you will need to prepare a lot of clothes. Therefore, there is a high probability of forgetting.

3rd place: Rings and other accessories

Since we often take them off and put them on when we take a bath, they are probably easy to lose.

Tourists also drop things like this!

We asked a specialist in delivering forgotten and lost items about unusual lost items.
The specialist said he had experience shipping suitcases overseas.

Since the tourists had already returned to their home countries, they were unable to go to pick up their suitcases, so we asked this specialized company to mail the suitcases to them.
Different countries have different rules for filling out the details of goods on customs documents.
In this case, all items needed to be entered when creating customs documents, etc., and CN codes were required for delivery to this country, so I checked the codes of all items and created the documents. .
There were apparently about 80 items in total.

Who is a specialist in delivering lost and found items?

Lost Item Delivery Co., Ltd.

Traveling is fun, but a lot of things can happen.

It can't be helped that you forget or lose something, but if you find it and want it back to you, but you don't know who to ask, please remember the name of this specialist.

Lost Item Delivery Co., Ltd. is a specialist in sending forgotten and lost items.

thoughts about forgotten things

When the president of Lost Item Delivery Co., Ltd. was a child, he left his camera at an inn he stayed at while traveling.
At that time, he didn't have the money to go to the inn to pick it up.
Also, the inn did not send me a camera that was fragile during transportation.

When he was in a lot of trouble, his elementary school teacher went to an inn to pick up the camera.
The teacher looked like a hero to him.

Because of this moving episode, I was able to strongly experience the dramatic moment when something important that I had once lost returned to me and turned my anxiety and sadness into joy.

I created this business because I wanted to support him in his efforts to turn his sad feelings into joy.

Used by many accommodation facilities such as hotels and inns

Lost Item Delivery Co., Ltd.'s WASULUCK service is a service that delivers items left behind by guests overseas with no burden on the facility and no risk.

“We will take care of all risks and costs for facilities free of charge!”

Sending luggage overseas involves a variety of hassles and risks, including communicating with guests in multiple languages, payment, packaging, whether or not insurance is available, document preparation, tracking, and resolving any emergencies. We will handle everything on your behalf.

Please check the website for details.

If the facility you stay at as a tourist does not have this kind of service, why not recommend it?
Let's turn our frustration and sadness into joy.

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In April 2018, the "Inbound Promotion Association OITA" was established as a collection of individuals and companies in Oita Prefecture that promote inbound tourism (travel by foreign visitors to Japan). Later, in July 2023, it was reorganized and renamed as the General Incorporated Association "Inbound National Promotion Council" and focused on four issues in the tourism industry: "Developing tourism human resources," "Discovering tourism materials and collecting information," and "Disseminating information and promoting." In order to solve the problem of "improving the receiving environment," we are developing various projects nationwide based on specific measures.

The information presented in this article is based on the time it was written. Note that there may be changes in the merchandise, services, and prices that have occurred after this article was published. Please contact the facility or facilities in this article directly before visiting. Some of our articles contain affiliate links. We kindly ask our readers to exercise careful judgement when making a purchase or booking a service online.

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