Flower stamp rally

A French Toyota City employee will introduce the "Flower Stamp Rally" held in Toyota City and recommended lunches.
I’m Angie,hailing from France and working at Toyota City Hall. Last time, I showed youaround some of Toyota City’s castle sites as part of the Toyota Gojôin Project.This time, I’ll be introducing you to some flower-viewing spots as part of the ongoingFlower Stamp Rally, along with a few lunch recommendations.
My firststop was the Gardening Museum Kayutei. This garden features 28 smaller gardens,each with its own theme. Visiting in early March meant not many flower species hadbloomed yet, but it was still a beautiful space. What makes this garden sospecial isn’t just its flowers but also the charming way in which the space wasdecorated, including bench and table sets that offer many picture spots.
Kayutei’sscenery changes with the seasons, so I'm especially eager to revisit with theopening of Tea House Kayutei on March 21st.
For thoseinterested, you can find a blooming times calendar on Kayutei’s website, so besure to check out your favorite flowers’ blooming seasons in advance and planyour visit accordingly.

Next up is the Warehouse Café: QueSera Sera, a place I recommend for those seeking out an atmosphere that takesyou out of your day-to-day life.
Thisrestaurant’s trademark is the fact that it’s housed in a 100-year-old renovatedwarehouse, giving a very stylish aspect to it. Stepping inside, you’ll be welcomedby a sophisticated ambiance, and surrounded by antique goods. What really stoodout to me, however, was the large old-fashioned music box at the back. The diskof “Que Sera Sera”, which inspired the establishment’s name, was displayed onthe front. On the 2nd floor is an impressive display of instrumentsso old you wouldn’t be able to tell what they were used for. The room is also occasionallyused for rakugo gatherings.
As for the menu,you can choose between the Onigiri Set, the Bread Set, and the Galette Set. Ichose the Onigiri Set, which was full of vegetables and quite delicious.

The lastspot I’ll be introducing today is Hirashiba Park.
Whentalking about flower viewing in Japan, from my non-Japanese point of view, Iwill inevitably be thinking of cherry blossoms. However, I recently discoveredthe beauty of plum blossoms. I had heard that Hirashiba Park was considered afamous spot for plum blossom viewing in Toyota City, but it was only aftervisiting it that I truly understood its charm. There were three wonderfulshades of plums to enjoy: white blossoms, pink blossoms, and dark pinkblossoms. I found them so lovely that I visited the park twice.
The viewingseason depends on weather and temperatures, so I suggest visiting multipletimes. And if you missed this year’s season, mark your calendar for next year!

Startingfrom the last third of March, many spots in the city will offer prime cherryblossom viewing. I’m looking forward to enjoying my very first cherry blossoms inJapan while taking part in the Flower Stamp Rally!
Gardening Museum Kayutei https://www.tourismtoyota.jp/en/spots/detail/1643/
Tourism Toyota is an organization that making the most of Toyota City's manufacturing industry and diverse resources such as the natural environment, contributes to the development of local tourism industry, and disseminates tourism information through the official tourist information website. Starting with the nationally famous Korankei spot for autumn foliage, the Toyota Oiden Summer Fireworks Festival attracting many tourists, and the Toyota Municipal Museum of Art exhibiting Japanese leading contemporary art works, etc. Toyota City is known as the City of Automobiles, but it is actually a city full of charm. It has a variety of tourism resources and amazing sightseeing spots. Tourists are welcome to visit many times throughout the year. In order for Toyota City to continue to be chosen as a tourist destination in the future, we are working hard to show the charm of Toyota City, discover and enhance tourism resources, and contribute to the development of tourism in the region.
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