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Fukui's Best 5 Best Cafe Restaurants in Japan 2023

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Here are the Best 5 Cafe Restaurants in Fukui, as rated by locals. Enjoy Cafe and more!

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We have prepared for you 5 of the most popular and recommended cafe restaurants in Fukui Prefecture. Discover the best restaurants Japan has to offer.

Disclaimer: Please note that this article is an automatic translation and may contain typos.


222 Kamoryokuencho, Fukui City, Fukui Prefecture

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TRONC is popular for its chewy bagels. In addition to bagels, they also sell simple and sophisticated cakes and baked goods. In the eat-in space, you can taste everything from sweet bagels to meal bagels.


70-3 Oniucho, Fukui City, Fukui Prefecture

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Opened in 1995, this open-air cafe is located along the Echizen coast. MARE is the only place where you can drink colorful drinks while admiring the superb view. You can't miss the jewel soda, which is a combination of soda and jelly.

3. Noracafe

53-1 Ikegami, Mikuni-cho, Sakai City, Fukui Prefecture

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A store specializing in strawberry sweets on the premises of "Farm Restaurant NORA". The sweets that look cute and look great on social media have become a hot topic, and they are so popular that they are sold out one after another on holidays.

4. posse coffee

2-18-20 Mikuni Town Sports Park, Sakai City, Fukui Prefecture

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A stylish cafe in front of Mikuni Sports Park where you can drink home-roasted coffee. It has a high ceiling, a sense of openness, and a relaxing atmosphere that is popular with a wide range of customers. A must-visit shop for coffee lovers.

5. cafe earth

18-8 Hamakitayamacho, Fukui City, Fukui Prefecture

Provided by AutoReserve

From the moment you walk through the door of the shop, you will be greeted by the sea and the superb view. Of course, you can also enjoy the view from the seats inside the store. Drinks are also carefully selected, such as smoothies and organic teas.

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Main image by PIXTA

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