Niigata's Murakami City: Enjoy Fun Events, Sightseeing, and Local Cuisine!

Introducing the limited 6 rooms of Tsukiyomi-no-za

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Tsukiyomi-no-za is an inn with a limited number of 6 rooms, with the motif of the waxing and waning of the moon. This time we will introduce each of the 6 rooms.

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A warm traditional sukiya shop. This is a twin bed room.

A room with a double bed that is based on the dark blue of the new moon night.

A silver moon that emits an afterglow. A room with a modern Japanese concept for adults.

A beautiful rustic world painted in mauve color that reflects the twilight moon and evening sky.

Mochizuki: A twin-bedded room decorated in sparkling gold.

A room characterized by the beautiful rust of Imachizuki red. This is the only room that can accommodate up to 4 people.

What did you think? Tsukiyomi-no-za is an anniversary inn and is a member of the Kaiei RYOKANS group of inns. We can also help you celebrate anniversaries such as wedding anniversaries and birthdays. Please feel free to contact Tsukiyomi-no-za's anniversary concierge. We will help you have the best trip with your loved ones.

Click here to make a reservation for Tsukiyomi-no-za

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There are a total of 6 guest rooms with motifs of the waxing and waning of the moon. This is a high-grade inn that is fully equipped with hot spring open-air baths and where you can enjoy breakfast and dinner in your room. For meals, you can enjoy Kaiseki cuisine using plenty of Ise-Shima ingredients such as Matsusaka beef and Ise lobster.

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