Niigata's Murakami City: Enjoy Fun Events, Sightseeing, and Local Cuisine!

Enjoy the charm of Yanbaru! Spectacular drive course in the northern part of the main island of Okinawa Prefecture

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We will introduce driving courses in the northern part of the main island of Okinawa. You can enjoy roasting Okinawan coffee and visit Oishibayashiyama, a power spot representing Okinawa Prefecture.

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Mileage: One way, approximately 142km Travel time: One way, approximately 2 hours 30 minutes Toll road fee: One way/1,020 yen

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Let's make a cup of coffee that's unique to the world ~Feel the mystery of nature in Yanbaru, northern Okinawa~

The Yanbaru area is full of subtropical trees and has a lot of nature. After tasting the specialty Shikwasa at Ogimi Shikuwasa Park, you can experience coffee roasting at Matayoshi Coffee Garden. This is a special drive course where you can feel the mystery of nature at Oishibayashiyama, a power spot representing the northern part of the main island of Okinawa. [Click to watch video]

Driving course departing from Naha Airport

Naha Airport

Search for rental cars in Naha Airport area

Route to the next spot: National Route 332, National Route 507, Prefectural Route 82, Okinawa Expressway, National Route 58
Distance: Approximately 87.9km
Time required: Approximately 1 hour 36 minutes

Ogimi Shikuwasa Park

Route to the next spot: National Route 58, Prefectural Route 9, National Route 331
Distance: Approximately 13.1km
Time required: Approximately 18 minutes

Matayoshi Coffee Farm

Route to the next spot: National Route 331, National Route 58
Distance: Approximately 41km
Time required: Approximately 50 minutes


Search for rental cars in Okinawa Prefecture

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