[Western Kochi Prefecture, Otsuki Town] Visit a tasteful and picturesque shrine

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Otsuki-cho, on the edge of Kochi, Shikoku, is dotted with many shrines with a nice atmosphere that looks like something you've seen in anime or movies. If you want to spend a day as if time has stopped, visiting shrines is a recommended plan. There are plenty of vehicles to explore, such as cars, mo...

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Let's tour some picturesque shrines that look like you've seen them in anime or movies.

Otsuki-cho, on the edge of Kochi, Shikoku, is dotted with many shrines with a nice atmosphere that looks like something you've seen in anime or movies. If you want to spend a day as if time has stopped, visiting shrines is a recommended plan. It's a good idea to travel around a lot using vehicles such as cars, motorcycles, bicycles, and buggies, and it's also nice to say hello to a shrine near your accommodation. Feel free to visit us!
Shrines are very important places for local people. Please observe good manners and visit quietly.

Hiromi Shrine (center of Otsuki Town)

Gassan Shrine (Tsukigaoka) Otsuki Henro Kodo/Shikoku Pilgrimage Number Outer Temple

Ryugasako Tenmangu Shrine

Amanchi Inari Shrine

Everything Kasuga Shrine

Kashiwajima Inari Shrine

Kashiwajima Mountain God

Hirayama Kasuga Shrine

Komanme Kasuga Shrine

Head Collection Otonashi Shrine

Tate Hachioji Shrine

Hokodo Tenmangu Shrine

Mt. Odoro Shrine

Shunen Hakuo Shrine

Jizo in the tree

Mr. Shimafuji

Qing King Daishido (Osugi)

Fudo no Taki (Kiyo-no-Kata)

Suo style Hakuo Shrine

Bentenjima Itsukushima Shrine

Kashinoura Hachimangu Shrine

Nishidomari Tenmangu Shrine

Akadomari Otonashi Shrine

Himenoi Niida Shrine

Talented Mr. Akiyoshi

Oura Sumiyoshi Shrine

Jizo statue under the tree

Kosaikaku Himuro Tenjin Shrine

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The Hata region of Kochi Prefecture is located at the southwestern tip of Shikoku, and is a peninsula that juts out into the Pacific Ocean, facing Tosa Bay to the east and Bungo Channel to the west. It is made up of three cities, two towns, and one village: Hara Village. It is a natural powerhouse rich in blessings, including the nationally famous Shimanto River and Cape Ashizuri, the blessings of the Kuroshio Current that flows along the coast, and the blessings of mountains that boast the largest area of ​​forests in the country.

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