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A must-see for foreigners working in Japan! How to run a meeting smoothly

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Japan has a unique business culture that can be difficult for foreigners to understand. Therefore, this time we will introduce some know-how for smoothly conducting meetings in Japan. We provide specific advice on what points to pay attention to.

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Make advance preparations for the meeting

If you are facilitating a meeting, it is important to prepare well in advance. Create an agenda and distribute it to participants in advance. It is also important to clarify the purpose and goals of the meeting.

The points to keep in mind when creating an agenda are as follows.

    Make sure you have covered all the items to be discussed at the meeting.
    Items should be specific and concise.
    Make sure you have enough time for each item.

Here are some points to keep in mind when clarifying the purpose and goals of your meeting:

    Be clear about what the purpose of the meeting is.
    Be clear about what the goal of the meeting is.
    Make goals specific and measurable.

Strictly adhere to meeting times

In Japanese business, punctuality is important. Meetings are no exception. Be sure to start on time and finish on time.

To ensure your meeting starts on time, keep the following in mind:

    Make sure you have the necessary materials and equipment before the meeting.
    Make sure all participants are present.
    Be on time for meeting start times.

Facilitate discussion

At meetings, discussions can get heated and go off the rails. In such cases, it is important for the facilitator to properly control the discussion. Try to keep the meeting going smoothly by encouraging speakers to speak, and if there are conflicting opinions, try to summarize opinions from a neutral standpoint.

Here are some tips to help the discussion go smoothly:

    Give all participants a chance to speak.
    In case of conflicting opinions, formulate opinions from a neutral standpoint.
    Be careful not to let the discussion go off the rails.
    Always be aware of the purpose and goals of the meeting.

Respect the opinions of participants

Japanese business places emphasis on cooperation and teamwork. At meetings, respect the opinions of participants and try to have constructive discussions. Also, even if you disagree with someone, avoid denying or criticizing them.

Here are some tips for respecting participants' opinions:

    Listen to the opinions of participants.
    Demonstrate an attitude of trying to understand the opinions of the participants.
    Do not criticize participants' opinions.

Summarize the meeting

Be sure to summarize the results of the discussion at the end of the meeting. Also, check the schedule for the next meeting and the tasks for participants.

Here are some points to keep in mind when summarizing your meeting:

    Concisely summarize the results of the discussion.
    Schedule the next meeting.
    Review participants' tasks.


For Taiwanese to succeed in Japan, it is important to understand and adapt to the Japanese business culture. Pay attention to how the meeting progresses and try to maintain smooth communication. How meetings are conducted varies depending on the company and industry, but if you keep in mind the basic points introduced here, you will be able to run meetings in Japan smoothly.

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