[Izu Shuzenji Onsen] Enjoy the cherry blossoms from your room at "SORA Togetsuso Kinryu"

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A ryokan where you can enjoy cherry blossoms from your room. The cherry blossoms that can be viewed most relaxingly are those that bloom in the large garden of SORA Togetsuso Kinryu.

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During the Somei-Yoshino cherry blossom season, SORA Togetsuso Kinryu

Once the Shuzenji winter cherry blossoms are over, the full-fledged cherry blossom season begins.
In April, you can enjoy cherry blossoms all over Izu.
Among them, the one I would like to recommend this time is the weeping cherry blossoms that decorate the Japanese garden at "SORA Togetsuso Kinryu."

The gorgeous pink cherry blossoms that stand out against the deep green are more than enough to give you an understanding of the uniquely Japanese aesthetic sensibility.
You can stroll through the garden in a kimono, or just relax and enjoy the view from your room.
SORA is one of the best spots to enjoy cherry blossoms without being disturbed by others.

Accommodation where you can see cherry blossoms from your room

When you look outside from your room, you will see the weeping cherry blossoms in full bloom in the large garden.

Enjoy cherry blossom viewing in a special seat where you can relax and unwind from the fatigue of everyday life.

Enjoy a wonderful time

[Please note] This year (2024), cherry blossoms are likely to bloom earlier than usual.

Learn more about SORA

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The Izu City Inbound Promotion Project Team (commonly known as "IIP") aims to create an attractive international tourist destination that makes use of Izu's tourism resources, and aims to attract foreign visitors tourists to Izu City and promote the establishment of a system for accepting foreign tourists, It is an organization set up with a purpose. Izu City is rich in nature and agriculture, and has various sightseeing spots such as hot springs, beaches, and mountainous areas. In addition, it is easily accessible from Tokyo in about two hours by train, making it an ideal location for day trips and weekend trips. [Notes on cover images] Cover image is photograph contest prize-winning work coloring Izu City. Photographer: Hiroki Ojima Title of work: "Coloring light snow" Unauthorized diversion or duplication of the cover image is prohibited. About the use of cover image, please confirm in Izu City sightseeing information site.

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