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Recommended transportation from Nagoya to Ise! How long does it take to get from the nearest station to Tsukiyomi-no-za?

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There are several ways to get from Nagoya to Ise. It is convenient to take the limited express train (Kintetsu Limited Express or JR Limited Express) from Nagoya to Ise City, which takes about 1.5 to 2 hours. If you are driving, you can take the Ise Expressway and arrive in about 1.5 to 2 hours.

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Transportation from Nagoya to Ise

You can travel from Nagoya to Ise by car or train.

By car:

The distance from Nagoya to Ise is approximately 130 kilometers.

The drive time may take approximately 1.5 to 2 hours depending on traffic conditions.

If you are using the expressway, you will generally use the Ise Expressway.

By train:

Train services from Nagoya to Ise are operated by Kintetsu Electric Railway (Kintetsu Railway) and JR West.

The travel time will depend on the train you take, but if you use the Kintetsu Limited Express it will take about an hour and a half.

Both methods are convenient, but it's best to choose one based on traffic conditions and whether you have enough time.

A shuttle bus is also available to our inn, Tsukiyomi no Za, from the nearest station, Kintetsu Ujiyamada Station.

(Reservations must be made at least one hour before travel) Other means of transportation are taxi or rental car.

It takes approximately 15 minutes from Ujiyamada Station to our hotel.

The next morning, a shuttle bus will run from the hotel to Ise Grand Shrine (Naiku and Geku) and Kintetsu Ujiyamada Station.

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There are a total of 6 guest rooms with motifs of the waxing and waning of the moon. This is a high-grade inn that is fully equipped with hot spring open-air baths and where you can enjoy breakfast and dinner in your room. For meals, you can enjoy Kaiseki cuisine using plenty of Ise-Shima ingredients such as Matsusaka beef and Ise lobster.

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