[Held in August 2024] Take a direct bus from Nagoya to see the Gero Onsen Festival! Highlights

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Gero Onsen, a famous hot spring resort town that is one hour and a half away from Nagoya and is one of Japan's three most famous hot springs, is hosting a summer festival every year. If you are visiting Gero in the summer, why not plan your trip to coincide with the event?

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What is the Gero Onsen Festival, a seasonal summer event in Gero Onsen town?

The Gero Onsen Festival is held every year from August 1st to 3rd in the Gero Onsen area. Fixed events are held on each day. Night stalls are lined up, local shops set up stalls, and it is a summer tradition in the town of Gero that is bustling with participation from local children and adults.

August 1st: The spectacular Dragon God Fire Festival

A five-colored dragon and a portable shrine carried by local men dance wildly to the sounds of thundering drums and flutes amid exploding firecrackers and sparks from fireworks. This is one of the main events of the Gero Onsen Festival, and the dynamic dragon dance is definitely worth seeing. It has been held since 1970, making it a festival with over 50 years of history.

The five dragons perform their dances at night, but during the day they parade through the town one by one. They also visit lodgings, so if you're lucky, you might be able to take a photo with the dragons. By the way, it's not just the dragons; children also parade around carrying creative portable shrines, so please cheer them on if you see them.

Story of the Dragon God Fire Festival

The dragons chase a red bowl during their performances. The Dragon God Fire Festival is based on the ancient story of "Wankasase Achi" that has been passed down in Gero Onsen since ancient times.

"Once upon a time, there was a dragon god who would lend out bowls. Poor villagers would borrow these bowls for celebrations and other occasions. One day, a villager accidentally broke a bowl, and in his fear, he ran away without returning it, without apologizing properly, and so the dragon god stopped lending out bowls."

The Dragon God Fire Festival is an adaptation of this legend, with the story going around "After the person borrows a bowl from the Dragon God and doesn't return it, the Dragon God goes on a rampage trying to get it back."

August 2nd: Traditional Gero Dance and Yunohana Mikoshi Parade

A decorated portable shrine is paraded through the hot spring town. It is a gorgeous event where a samba group joins in the parade while playing lively music. You can't help but move your body to the fun rhythm you hear.

August 3rd: Gero Onsen Fireworks Musical Summer Performance lights up the hot spring town with light and music

Many people think of fireworks when they think of summer in Japan. This fireworks musical, with about 10,000 specially designed fireworks, was created by a fireworks master who won the Prime Minister's Award at the National Fireworks Competition. Don't miss this live show of colorful fireworks set to a variety of music, including popular hits and well-known classical music. Large fireworks, laser lights, and spectacular music will light up the night sky of Gero Onsen town.

*Postponed in the event of bad weather or rising river levels

The traditional Gero Dance will also be held at the same time.

The traditional "Gero Dance" will be held at Shirasagi Bridge. Matching yukata, hand towels, and lively hand clapping will color the town of Gero. Hand towels and fans will be distributed at the venue, so please come and join in the dance! The circle of dancers will expand between local residents and tourists.

August 4th: A local, homely event "Summer Festival in Gero Onsen Special Performance"

The Summer Festival is an event held every Saturday from mid-July to mid-August around Shirasagi Bridge. On August 4th, it will be held as a special event regardless of the day of the week.

There will be many food stalls selling local specialties, so you will have the opportunity to experience the flavors and culture of Gero and Hida. In addition, local volunteers will perform at this local event, making it a homey event with a strong local flavor.

In previous years, you can see performances such as drumming, dancing, and brass bands.

The most convenient way to get to Gero Onsen is by direct bus from Nagoya Station.

A direct bus runs from Nagoya Station to Gero Station every day. Since it is a direct bus that connects stations, it is a very convenient and economical way to get to the area.

[Time required] Approximately 2 hours and 30 minutes

[Fee] Round trip 4,500 yen, one way 3,300 yen

*As of April 2024 (Prices are subject to change)

Reservations are required, so if you would like to use this service, please proceed to the reservation site below. Reservations can be made up to two months before the planned boarding date.

Book a direct bus from Nagoya Station to Gero Station

For other ways to access Nagoya and how to get there from Tokyo and Osaka, please see the articles below.

If you want to enjoy the Gero Onsen Festival to your heart's content, head to Suimeikan

Gero Onsen Suimeikan is conveniently located just a 3-minute walk from Gero Station, and is a long-established inn that boasts high-quality spring water. It is also just a 5-minute walk from the main venue of the Gero Onsen Festival, which we introduced this time, so it is the perfect place to relax and unwind after a day of fun at the festival.

Even if you are staying for multiple nights to coincide with a festival that lasts several days, we offer a wide variety of dinner options to ensure an enjoyable stay.

Gero Onsen in summer

Book Gero Onsen Suimeikan

For more information about Suimeikan, please check out this article.

Written by

[Suimeikan] was established in 1933 as a hot spring inn in [Gero Onsen], one of Japan's top three hot springs. We offer heartfelt hospitality to soothe your daily fatigue. You can enjoy Gero Onsen, which is famous for its skin-beautifying effects, in three large public baths with different tastes. Please enjoy the large observation bath overlooking the hot spring town of Gero and the mountains of Hida, the large bath with a sauna with the scent of cypress, and the open-air bath with an indoor bath as if you were touring the hot springs. As a museum that values ​​Japanese culture, we also have a Japanese garden, an authentic Noh stage, a tea room, and other works of art by famous artists on display. We also have a pool, athletic gym, beauty salon, and bar. For dinner, you can choose from three types: Japanese Kaiseki, French, and Chinese. There is also a plan where you can enjoy Hida's specialty "Hida beef". In addition to staying in Japanese-style rooms where you can feel the Japanese tradition, we also have rooms with beds. Guests visiting from other countries can also feel safe and relaxed. Please spend a blissful time with the heartfelt hospitality of the long-established Japanese inn [Suimeikan].

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