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"wasako" is unique in that it recommends "the end of summer heat," one of the 24 solar terms.

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We will explain the 24 solar terms and introduce recommended ways to spend the time during the end of heat.

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First of all, what are the 24 solar terms?

The 24 solar terms are "the beginning of spring," "the 88th night," "the autumnal equinox," and "the winter solstice," and are words that give you a sense of the seasons that any Japanese person will have heard of at least once.

In agriculture, they have been used as a guideline for determining the time of sowing and harvesting, and in daily life, they have been important indicators for sensing the change of seasons. Even today, the twenty-four solar terms are used as a reference when sensing seasonal changes and the rhythm of nature.

In this way, the 24 solar terms play a role in connecting nature and people's lives, and can be said to be wisdom that has been passed down since ancient times.

Today marks the end of the heatwave, and autumn is designated as the period from the start of autumn to the start of frost, meaning that according to the calendar it is now well into autumn.

If we divide a year into 24 parts, it is divided like this.

This corresponds to autumn, one of the 24 solar terms that are divided into spring and winter.

Today's topic is "Shosho" - How to enjoy the remaining heat of summer even more.

"Shosho" is the time when the heat starts to ease and cool breezes begin to blow. This is also the time when you can feel the transition from summer to autumn, and by incorporating emotional activities to enjoy the change of seasons, you can feel the coming of autumn more deeply. Here are some recommended ways to feel the autumn during this time when the heat of summer is still lingering.

Recommended ways to feel cool

・Decorating wind chimes - A great way to enjoy the cool evening air

The sound of wind chimes gives a feeling of coolness and calms the mind even in the heat. It is elegant to enjoy the sound of wind chimes while feeling the cool breeze of the end of summer heat. Evening cool: Taking a walk outside after the sun has set or cooling off on the veranda or veranda is also perfect for the end of summer heat. The slightly chilly breeze signals the arrival of autumn.

・Enjoy the taste of autumn - Taste early autumn fruits -

You can feel the beginning of autumn by eating early autumn fruits such as grapes and pears, which are available during the end of the summer season. Tsukimi dango and autumn Japanese sweets: It is also emotional to feel the change of seasons while enjoying autumn Japanese sweets. It is also good to enjoy the full moon or the harvest moon with Tsukimi dango.

・Look at nature - Find the beginning of autumn leaves -

It may still be too early for the vivid autumn colors, but you can feel the coming of autumn by noticing the leaves starting to change color. Take a walk in a park or a place with lots of nature and slowly observe the changes in nature. Enjoy autumn flowers: This is also the time when autumn flowers such as pampas grass and cosmos begin to bloom. Decorating your garden or flower bed with these flowers will give you a sense of autumn.

・Listen to the sounds of autumn - Listen to the insects' voices -

Once the end of the summer heat has passed, autumn insects begin to chirp. Listening to their sounds in the evenings and at night makes you feel the coming of autumn.

・Get in touch with literary works so you can enjoy the long autumn nights ahead - compose tanka and haiku

Writing tanka or haiku poems on the theme of seasonal change is a great way to experience the feeling of autumn. Try to capture moments when you feel autumn in nature or in your daily life. Write a seasonal letter: When you feel the atmosphere of autumn, it is a good idea to write a letter expressing your feelings and send it to a loved one. Using autumn postcards or seasonal stationery will deepen the feeling even more.

Try incorporating these things into your daily life and feel the end of summer and the arrival of autumn during the end of summer, and enjoy the changing of the seasons.

Asakusa's tea ceremony experience salon "wasako" offers advice on how to deal with the heat

The Japanese sweets served at tea ceremonies are all extremely delicate and artistic, and are made with an emphasis on the season.

The Japanese sweets we serve at our shop are carefully crafted by a Japanese sweets craftsman from Ishikawa Prefecture, who is the seventh generation owner of the shop, and are not only beautiful in appearance and taste, but also embody the spirit of the tea ceremony and the four seasons of Japan from the owner's perspective. As for the types, we also have flavors that are unique to autumn, like this one.

1. Nerikiri

Nerikiri is a type of fresh confectionery made by hand from white bean paste or bean paste, and is shaped to resemble seasonal flowers or fruits. In autumn, maples, chrysanthemums, and persimmons are often used as themes. Nerikiri is colorful and decorated with intricate patterns and designs.

2 Kinton

Kinton is a high-quality fresh confectionery made with autumn ingredients such as chestnuts and sweet potatoes, and is characterized by its natural sweetness and smooth texture. Kinton is often designed with autumn scenery and harvest as the theme, for example, there are some that reproduce the shape and color of chestnuts.

3. Yokan

Yokan is a Japanese confectionery characterized by its mild sweetness and moist texture. Chestnut yokan and potato yokan are often served in autumn. Yokan is often used in tea ceremonies, and is a dish that looks beautiful and brings out the flavor of matcha.

4. Sweet potato buns

The yam manju is a chewy Japanese sweet made with mountain yam. In autumn, it is often decorated with designs of autumn leaves or chrysanthemums. The soft skin and bean paste go well with matcha, making it a dish that gives a sense of the season.

5. Persimmon Nerikiri

Persimmon-shaped nerikiri is one of the top-quality confections that evokes the feeling of autumn. The color and shape of persimmon are precisely recreated, creating a seasonal look. The subtle sweetness of the persimmon harmonizes with the bitterness of matcha, creating a deep flavor that can be enjoyed.

6. Premium fresh confections that represent the seven herbs of autumn

The seven autumn herbs themed confections reflect the seasonal beauty of autumn in Japan. They come in the shape of bush clover, bellflower, pink, and cattail, and their delicate designs, combined with matcha green tea, allow you to feel the changing of the seasons.

7. Autumn-themed Japanese sweets

As a symbol of autumn, there are high-quality confections that evoke the autumn breeze and autumn leaves. These are beautifully crafted by skilled artisans, and the excitement of the sight is also a lingering impression that makes you feel the season.

"Is tea ceremony difficult?" - It's not difficult at all ♫ -

Jo-namagashi are not just for eating, they are also artistic. Many of them are shaped to represent the beauty of autumn scenery and nature, allowing you to feel the season while enjoying your matcha.

In addition, the Japanese-style room at "wasako" is filled with Japanese furnishings such as tatami mats, tsukubai (bathroom basin), and hanging scrolls. We will explain each item in detail.

Once you enter the store, you will find an extraordinary space that you would never expect to find in Asakusa, where you can spend a special time.

As autumn approaches, "wasako" offers a wonderful Japanese atmosphere in the historic Asakusa area, where you will surely find something new and enjoyable every time you visit. Please come and enjoy delicious matcha at "Wasako", where you will be able to feel the attentive care and hospitality of the owner and staff, and spend a comfortable time that will become one of your memories of wasako.

↓ We will take care of you.

To make a reservation please use the green button on our website.

HP: https://wasako.jp/

Tea ceremony experience is held five times a day

Start times are 10:00, 11:30, 13:30, 15:00, and 16:30.

The store is closed on Thursdays.



2-18-15 Kaminarimon, Taito-ku, Tokyo

Collection Kaminarimon Building 5th floor

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We built a small Japanese-style room with a forest feel in Kaminarimon 2-chome, a 1-minute walk from Asakusa Station. Each tea ceremony experience lasts 45 minutes. Watch a tea ceremony demonstration and enjoy sweets and matcha tea If you wish, you can also have the tea actually made for you. You can easily experience Japanese culture without bringing anything. Also, wasako is an extremely relaxing space. There are no chemicals in the air, and the background music is forest sounds. How about taking a deep breath and having a cup of matcha?

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