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Job Hunting in Japan With GTN

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Job Hunting in Japan With GTN

Foreign residents looking for part-time jobs or long-term employment in Japan should check out the Foreign Human Resource Bank, a job application site created by GTN.

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GTN's Foreign Human Resource Bank

According to JASSO (Japan Student Services Organization), approximately 70% of international students living in Japan hope to find a job in this country (*1). However, only 30% of students achieve this goal. It is not easy for a non-native to find work in Japan.

In addition, the economic slump caused by COVID-19 in 2020 caused many overseas students to have their employment offers canceled or even lose their workplaces.

In these circumstances, the Global Trust Networks Co., Ltd. (GTN), a company that supports Japan's international residents, started the Foreign Human Resource Bank.

This job-hunting site serves as a bridge between foreign residents looking for work in Japan and companies hoping to hire them.

*1: An employment survey of international students by JASSO (written in Japanese and published in 2019): https://www.studyinjapan.go.jp/ja/_mt/2021/03/date2019sg.pdf
Register Now!

Advantages of Registering and How It Works

There are several advantages to becoming a member of the Foreign Human Resource Bank.
- You'll receive job offers that fit your preferences from Japanese companies, along with invitations to attend seminars and orientations.
- Members can consult with career mentors in Japanese, English, Vietnamese, and Mongolian for free.

Procedure Flow:
1. Register (https://form.run/@gtn-1649815436)

2. Receive offers from companies (via GTN)

3. Proceed to the job interview

4. Receive employment offer

We Recommend This Service to the Following Groups

Human Resource Bank of Foreigners: A New Job Hunting Site by GTN

Photo by Pixta

1. Those seeking assistance both before and after joining a company.
GTN offers a follow-up service provided by career mentors.

2. People looking for new opportunities but do not have time to search for jobs due to their current work situation.
3. People hoping to expand their job search options and possibilities in Japan.
4. Those seeking multilingual careers using Japanese and their native language (English, Chinese, Korean, Vietnamese, etc.).
5. Engineers looking to utilize their technical expertise and skills at a Japanese company.

Register Now!

Additional Services by GTN to Foreign Residents

GTN offers various services to support foreign residents in Japan, including rent guarantor, mobile phone, and credit card services.

Whether you're already a resident or planning to move to Japan, do take advantage of GTN's services.

For information on the Foreign Human Resource Bank's privacy policy, please check the official website.

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