[Hyogo/Tamba] Let's visit "Tachikui", a hidden village of pottery! A trip where you can enjoy local interactions and walks

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Surrounded by mountains, Tachikui is a Tamba-yaki production area that feels like a hidden village. We will introduce trips where you can enjoy interacting with local potters, such as pottery lectures and guided tours of old kiln ruins.

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What is Tambayaki? ?

Tamba ware, one of Japan's six oldest kilns, has a history of 800 years, and its tradition has been passed down since ancient times.

The traditional craft " Tamba-yaki " is said to have originated from the end of the Heian period to the beginning of the Kamakura period, and is highly praised for its simple texture and the beauty created by the traditional "Shinogi" technique.

Interaction with potters

Our guide will be Kimihiko Imanishi, a potter from the Miyanokita kiln .

Mr. Imanishi, who is active in the world of pottery, has a craftsmanship, but is also a very charming person with a soft demeanor, and he warmly welcomes visitors from overseas.

Ceramics lecture at the workshop

At the workshop, we will hear about his passion as a potter. Tanba ware is a production area that has been handed down by potteries from generation to generation. He said, ` `My older brother is taking over the business, so I want to be able to work freely.' '

We practice our own unique approaches while preserving traditional methods. It seems that he collects the clay he uses himself from the mountain. All pieces are crushed by hand to remove stones and foreign objects. It is then refined to extract the clay content. In order to create potter's clay in the best possible condition, it seems that the condition of the soil is constantly being carefully checked during the work, and this work requires carefulness and perseverance.

It is also possible to touch the soil and experience some of the work while listening to real stories at the site . The strong commitment of the craftsman can be seen everywhere, even in the way the clay is handled.

Visit a gallery with attractive structures made of clay walls

The mud-walled gallery, named `` Utekisei,'' took 12 years to complete with the cooperation of Japan's leading plasterer, Akira Kusumi. While admiring the uniformly arranged works, you can also enjoy the surrounding greenery and the sounds of birds.

The gallery has a tea room. Enjoy the light tea brewed by Mr. Imanishi in the ethereal atmosphere of the tea room.

Strolling through old kiln ruins

A bird's-eye view of the climbing kilns lined up on the mountain slope.

In the areas chosen by potters of the past to dispose of their pottery, there are areas where pottery fragments have accumulated over the years and are visible in the geological formations in which they are buried.

Mr. Imanishi says, ``When I look at this huge amount and imagine how much our predecessors had to throw away to complete a piece of work, it's a place that makes me think twice as a potter.'' thing.

Afterwards, we will tour the ``Tamba Yaki Tachikui'', which was completed in 1888.

The ``Tanba Tachikui'' was built over a length of 47 meters, taking advantage of the slope of the mountain, and has a firing chamber for nine bags. As the oldest existing Tamba-yaki kiln, it is a must-see checkpoint.

In addition to lectures and guidance on Tanba ware by the potter Mr. Imanishi and a tour of the clay wall gallery created by the plasterer Akira Kusumi, we also offer ceramic art lectures and information on the ruins of old kilns in the neighborhood upon request. We can arrange it as you like, such as attending the Hyogo Ceramic Art Museum. Be sure to visit Tachikui, a hidden village of pottery, and enjoy interacting and walking around in the local way.

[Official website] Hyogo prefecture tourism site “HYOGO! Navi'

The official website of Hyogo Tourism Headquarters, which provides tourist information for Hyogo Prefecture (Kobe, Himeji, Kinosaki, Awaji Island, etc.). In addition to introducing spots where you can enjoy seasonal scenery, we also introduce a lot of recommended travel information such as gourmet food, events, and experiences, so be sure to check it out!

[Official] Hyogo Prefecture tourism site HYOGO! Navi

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Welcome to Hyogo Hyogo is a gateway to the Kansai region, which nurtures the blessed land that connects the Sea of ​​Japan, the Chugoku Mountains, and the Seto Inland Sea, as well as the blessed climate. There are many spectacular views that will catch your eye, such as Himeji Castle, a World Heritage Site that was selected as one of the 100 Best Cherry Blossom Spots, and the panoramic night view from Mt. Rokko. The world-famous Kobe brand, KOBE BEEF, which is synonymous with Tajima beef, is one of Japan's leading beefs, and the sake rice ``Hyogo Yamada Nishiki'' is a gem that will surprise your tongue. Arima Onsen is a famous hot spring, and Kinosaki Onsen has appeared in many literary works. Surrounded by nature, you can relax your mind and body. You can come across memorable sounds such as the thunderous sounds of the whirlpools of Naruto on Awaji Island, and the dynamic sounds of the fireworks festivals held in various places in the summer. In the herb gardens and botanical gardens in the prefecture, you will be healed by the gentle and pleasant scent of herbs and flowers throughout the four seasons. Enjoy a new journey in Hyogo that stimulates the five senses of sight, taste, touch, hearing, and smell.

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