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A sea of ​​clouds appears at the Takeda Castle ruins. Kappa's Gajiro goes to Asago City

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An adventurous project has come true in which Fukusaki Town's kappa ``Gajiro'' rides the Bantan Line north of Fukusaki Station and tours tourist spots. On November 14th, Gajiro visited the ruins of Takeda Castle (Takeda Castle Mountain, Wadayama-cho, Asago City), which is famous as a castle in the s...

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To Takeda Castle ruins

On the 14th, sunrise time was 6:30. I climb the road to Takeda Castle, which is still dark.

The sea of ​​clouds season at the Takeda Castle Ruins runs from late September to late November, with the sea of ​​clouds most likely occurring in early November.
Conditions were perfect on this day.

Watching the sunrise from the sea of ​​clouds

Gajiro greets the arrival of sunlight from a sea of ​​clouds at Takeda Castle and shows a deep expression of emotion at the beauty.

According to the official sources, Gajiro may or may not have remembered ``the days when he was mistaken for a fallen samurai and was chased,'' and ``memories of pulling out his Shirikodama all the time to protect himself.''
The sudden attack of the kappa attracted the attention of surrounding tourists, who were seen taking pictures.

This project is being held for the purpose of promoting the Bantan Line, promoting its use, and promoting local tourist spots, and is widely disseminated on SNS as a new attraction of the Bantan Line, and is expected to increase the number of passengers. I am.

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