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Unlimited rides on luxury buses! What is JBL PASS useful for traveling to Japan?

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Introducing express bus passes that can save you time and money when traveling in Japan. There are no seat rank restrictions, so you can even ride on luxury buses. This is a very convenient bus pass that allows you to travel all over Japan.

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What is JBL PASS?

What means of transportation come to mind when traveling in Japan?
Many people probably think of the JR Rail Pass, an unlimited Shinkansen pass.

However, there are passes that can be purchased cheaper than the JR Rail Pass.
That is the express bus pass "JBL PASS".
You can choose from 3, 5, or 7 days, so you can use it depending on your length of stay.

Moreover, there are no restrictions on bus rank, so you can ride even high-class buses.
Also, the above usage period does not have to be consecutive, so you can use it for 3, 5 or 7 days within one month from the date of purchase.

What is Japan's express bus?

In fact, express buses are a convenient and effective way to travel in Japan.
Japanese express buses are clean and very comfortable.

Luxury buses have independent seats, and some have doors like private rooms.
In Japan, express buses are popular as a way for young women to travel safely.
JBL PASS is perfect for trying out express buses.

Where can I go with JBL PASS?

JBL PASS can be used in 35 prefectures in Japan.
It can be used not only between cities such as Tokyo, Osaka, and Nagoya, but also to popular local tourist destinations such as Hida Takayama and Kanazawa.
It is often easier to access rural areas by bus, and buses that can take you directly without changing trains are very convenient for travelers.

What express buses can you ride with JBL PASS?

JBL PASS can be used on eligible buses without rank restrictions.
In other words, you can ride as many luxury buses as you like.
You can also ride a bus that has independent seats, similar to those used in moving hotels.

By traveling by bus during the night, you can start your activities in the morning, which also saves you time.
You can also save money on hotels, so you can use your travel budget for meals and activities.

What types of JBL PASS?

There are 6 types of JBL PASS in total.
You can select the usage period from 3 days, 5 days, or 7 days.
You can also choose to use it only on weekdays or all day.

If you only use it on weekdays, you can purchase a 3-day PASS for 13,500 yen, a 5-day PASS for 17,000 yen, and a 7-day PASS for 22,000 yen.
For all-day use, a 3-day PASS can be purchased for 20,000 yen, a 5-day PASS for 26,000 yen, and a 7-day PASS for 36,500 yen.

You can choose according to your itinerary, so you can use it without wasting anything.
Some dates may not be available during busy periods, so please check in advance.

How to purchase JBL PASS?

Tickets can be purchased on the reservation site operated by the Japan Bus Lines Association, which includes bus companies from all over Japan.
It is convenient because you can purchase before or after coming to Japan.
It's ticketless, so you can travel using your smartphone.

Please see the Japan Bus Lines website for details.

Check details of JBL PASS

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The JAPAN BUS LINES Council (commonly known as the JBL Council) is a private organization in which more than 70 bus companies from all over Japan participate. The JBL website (available in English, Korean, and Traditional) allows you to reserve, pay for, and use express buses and airport buses on more than 130 routes across Japan in one place. In addition, during the period, we will provide services such as "JBL PASS," which allows unlimited rides on designated express bus routes, that allow you to travel and sightsee by transferring on express buses throughout Japan, and provide various information useful for sightseeing. I am. We at the JBL Council will help all foreign tourists visiting Japan enjoy traveling by bus in Japan easily, conveniently, and comfortably.

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