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Muchi Kuwachi Sabira (Okinawa winter food culture experience event)

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Okinawa's winter tradition ``Muchi (Demon Mochi) Day'' is December 8th of the lunar calendar. This year it is January 18th. On this day, each family makes ``muchi'' wrapped in sannin leaves and offers it to the Buddhist altar to pray for the health of the family and ward off evil spirits. A Muchi ta...

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Okinawa's winter tradition ``Muchi (Demon Mochi) Day'' is December 8th of the lunar calendar. This year it is January 18th.

On this day, each family makes ``muchi'' wrapped in sannin leaves and offers it to the Buddhist altar to pray for the health of the family and ward off evil spirits.

A Muchi tasting event will be held on Saturday, January 20, 2024 at around 16:00 on the Depot Island seaside promenade boardwalk.

Please try it and feel the Okinawan culture.

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Chatan Town in central Okinawa is 40 minutes by car from Naha Airport. It is located in a place with good access to any area on the main island of Okinawa. It is an area where the beach, shopping area and hotel are adjacent. You can enjoy marine sports at Araha Beach and Miyagi Coast. The Depot Island area is full of colorful buildings and photogenic spots, so you won't get bored during your stay. In addition, there are tables and chairs where you can rest for free on the seaside promenade boardwalk where you can see the sunset without obstruction, so you can enjoy the sunset slowly. This is an area where you can enjoy not only Okinawan cuisine, but also American, Italian, Mexican, French, and Japanese cuisine.

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