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Amanomaru Bettei “Kaze no Tani no Iori” Vegan meal plan!

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Japanese hospitality where the head chef brings out the flavors of the ingredients. You can enjoy vegan dishes for both dinner and breakfast.

Latest update :

vegan dinner

For dinner, the chef will come to your room at a suitable time. You can enjoy it hot at the most delicious timing.

Dinner menu example

Gamagori mandarin vinegar

Vegetable sushi, nanohana tofu paste, mugwort dengaku, etc.

Sashimi konnyaku and yam

vegetable tempura

Taro wrapped in yuba with mushroom sauce

Kiwi fruit vinegared dish, soy shrimp, Gamagori mandarin orange dressing

Braised Kurumafu, turnip, taro, and carrot

Vegetables, Kishimen, Tomato, Hot and Sour Sauce

Rice cooked in a clay pot (white rice)


miso soup

Water sweets Seasonal water sweets and fruits

Ingredients and cooking methods may vary depending on the season.

Breakfast "Japanese"

A creative Japanese breakfast will be served in your room.

Vegan food (vegetarian) policy

1. The kitchen is not only for vegetarian dishes, but also for general cooking.

2. We have a vegan menu and a Wushu (Buddhist/Taoist) menu.

3. No animal products are used in the soup stock or seasonings.

4. Use cutting boards, knives, bowls, fryers (for separating oil), and other cooking utensils separately.

5.We use the same tableware as for general use,

Disposable plates, forks, knives, and disposable chopsticks are available upon request.

6. Please make your reservation at least 5 days in advance.

Check out “Kaze no Tani no Iori” now! Official website URL

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A detached inn nestled quietly in the mountains. Please enjoy to your heart's content a quiet and comfortable time where nature and people are in harmony, and cuisine that can be enjoyed with all five senses. Our hotel is located in Koda Town, close to Okazaki City and Gamagori City, and is recommended for sightseeing.

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