Tokyo and Kanagawa's Top Hiking Destinations: 3 Great One-Day Mountain Trips Near Tokyo

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Are you looking to escape the hustle and bustle of the city and immerse yourself in the stunning natural beauty of Japan? We've got three perfect hiking spots that are just a day trip away from Tokyo.

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Are you looking to escape the hustle and bustle of the city and immerse yourself in the stunning natural beauty of Japan?

Cities are bustling with enticing places, architecture, shops, people, and vehicles—life in constant motion.

While urban excitement has its charms and certainly sparks joy, it often leaves us yearning for something more, something tranquil.

That's why we're excited to share three ideal escapes where you can connect with the serene beauty of Japan's landscapes. These spots are perfect for a rejuvenating day trip, promising not only a break from the noise but also a profound sense of fulfillment for your heart.

Mt. Takao

Mt. Takao stands at 599 meters and is nestled in Hachioji City, Tokyo.
Conveniently located near central Tokyo, it attracts numerous tourists and hikers all year round.


Visitors can ascend from the base to near the summit via cable car or lift.

Near the top lies the Yakuoin Yukiji Temple, a revered Shingon sect temple founded about 1,200 years ago, bustling with visitors.

The temple grounds are notable for a statue of a tengu and numerous Buddhist figures, surrounded by majestic cedar trees that create an awe-inspiring path to the temple.

Several distinct hiking trails lead to the summit, each offering unique views and experiences—making every visit memorable. These trails are well-maintained and clearly marked, ensuring that even beginners can find their way to the top without difficulty.

At the summit, there's an observatory where, on a clear day, you can enjoy breathtaking views of Mt. Fuji.

Directions to the Trailhead

Just a 5-minute walk from Takaosanguchi Station.

Mt. Mitake

Mt. Mitake, rising to 929 meters, is located in Ome, Tokyo.
Due to its close proximity to central Tokyo and the relatively easy climb, it is a popular destination for both tourists and climbers from the area.

Photo courtesy of Ome City Tourism Association<br>
Photo courtesy of Ome City Tourism Association


A cable car takes visitors from the base of the mountain to near the summit.

From the cable car's upper station, Mitakesan Station, it’s about a 20-minute walk to the entrance of Musashi Ontake Shrine. Visitors then climb approximately 330 steps to reach the main hall of the shrine, situated at the mountain's peak, offering a spectacular view.

Photo courtesy of Ome City Tourism Association<br>
Photo courtesy of Ome City Tourism Association
Photo courtesy of Ome City Tourism Association<br>
Photo courtesy of Ome City Tourism Association
Photo courtesy of Ome City Tourism Association<br>
Photo courtesy of Ome City Tourism Association

Directions to the Trailhead

From Ontake Station, take a bus and alight at the "Cable-shita Bus Stop." From there, it's a short 6-minute walk to the trailhead.

Mt. Oyama

Mt. Oyama, standing at 1,252 meters, straddles the border of Isehara, Hadano, and Atsugi cities in Kanagawa Prefecture.
It is recognized as one of Japan's Three Hundred Famous Mountains and one of Kanto's One Hundred Famous Mountains, drawing numerous tourists and climbers.

Photo courtesy of Isehara City Tourist Association<br>
Photo courtesy of Isehara City Tourist Association


Visitors can take a cable car from the mountain's base to the "Oyama Afuri Jinja Mae" located midway up the mountain.

The Oyama Afuri Shrine, with a history spanning over 2,200 years, attracts many worshippers throughout the year. The shrine's lower precinct is situated halfway up the mountain at 696 meters, while the main shrine stands at the summit, 1,252 meters above sea level.

The view from the summit is breathtaking and has been listed among the 50 most scenic spots in Kanagawa Prefecture.

Mt. Oyama is also a mountain rich in natural beauty, which attracts many climbers from both within and outside the prefecture to experience its pristine surroundings.

Photo courtesy of Isehara City Tourist Association<br>
Photo courtesy of Isehara City Tourist Association
Photo courtesy of Isehara City Tourist Association<br>
Photo courtesy of Isehara City Tourist Association
Photo courtesy of Isehara City Tourist Association<br>
Photo courtesy of Isehara City Tourist Association

Directions to the Trailhead

From Isehara Station, take a bus and get off at the "Oyama Cable Bus Stop." From there, it's a 15-minute walk to the trailhead.


What do you think?

Take a step away from the hustle and bustle of the city and enjoy a hike while immersing yourself in beautiful nature.

It’s sure to rejuvenate both your body and spirit, giving you energy for tomorrow.

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If you have any questions about SIM cards or portable Wi-Fi, please don't hesitate to contact us.
When you arrive at Haneda Airport, be sure to stop by the GTN Haneda Airport Garden Store.

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