Niigata's Murakami City: Enjoy Fun Events, Sightseeing, and Local Cuisine!

A luxurious tour of Ise-Shima, limited to one group per day

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Take a leisurely trip to Ise Grand Shrine and Toba. We would like to introduce you to a plan that includes a dedicated concierge and is limited to one group per day at Tsukiyomi-no-Za.

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This is my first time in Ise-Shima. I'm not sure how to get around...

We often hear from customers that they don't even know how to get around Ise Shrine properly. This plan is recommended for customers who find it troublesome to look up transportation options and would like to leave the sightseeing schedule to our staff. Our dedicated concierge will ask you about the places you would like to go and see, and create a two-day schedule for you.

Sightseeing in a private car

Once you have decided on your destination, you can head out sightseeing in a private car. A staff member will be with you so you can rest assured about your sightseeing destination.

After a leisurely evening of sightseeing, enjoy some local Ise-Shima produce.

How about enjoying a kaiseki meal using Mie-brand spiny lobster, abalone, Matsusaka beef, and some local Mie sake?

All 6 rooms are equipped with open-air baths

Small surprises are also welcome

Tsukiyomi no Za has an anniversary concierge on staff. We will help you celebrate any special occasion, such as birthdays, wedding anniversaries, and relationship anniversaries. Please consult with us in advance.

It is said that a trip to Ise-Shima is something everyone should do at least once in their lifetime. Our staff will be happy to assist you in making your trip a memorable one.

[Limited to one group per day] A leisurely trip around Ise Shrine and Toba ◇ Tsukiyomi no Za original plan with a dedicated concierge and private car ◇

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There are a total of 6 guest rooms with motifs of the waxing and waning of the moon. This is a high-grade inn that is fully equipped with hot spring open-air baths and where you can enjoy breakfast and dinner in your room. For meals, you can enjoy Kaiseki cuisine using plenty of Ise-Shima ingredients such as Matsusaka beef and Ise lobster.

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