A seasonal tourist guide for Kusatsu City, Shiga Prefecture! A comprehensive guide to recommended sightseeing spots, events, and the best time to see flowers

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Kusatsu City in Shiga Prefecture is a city that is conveniently located near Kyoto and has been gaining attention. It has a wide range of accommodations and restaurants, and is recommended for those who want to take a little time away from the crowds and relax. It is about 20 minutes by train (JR Bi...

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About 20 minutes from Kyoto! What is Kusatsu City, Shiga Prefecture?

This is an annual schedule where you can enjoy beautiful flowers and various events throughout the year in Kusatsu City, Shiga Prefecture.

A year in Kusatsu City

Kusatsu City is blessed with a relatively warm climate even within Shiga Prefecture. The area around Lake Biwa is lined with tranquil rural scenery, which harmonizes with the Hira and Hiei mountain ranges on the opposite shore of the lake, allowing you to enjoy beautiful scenery throughout the seasons.

April - Escape the crowds and enjoy the spectacular cherry blossoms -

The average temperature in April is 13.7°C. Cherry blossoms are in full bloom from late March to early April! The cherry blossoms blooming in the grounds of a shrine with a long history on the Tokaido and Nakasendo roads and the 557 cherry blossom trees along the Kusatsu River are spectacular! At de Ai Hiroba, about 160 Somei Yoshino cherry trees are in full bloom. We also recommend cycling around the cherry blossoms!

The Kusatsu Shukuba Festival will be held in April. It is a festival for citizens to enjoy Kusatsu today, recreating the bustle of Kusatsu-shuku in the Edo period. It began in 1969 and will be held for the 56th time in 2024.

May - Don't miss the best time to see the wisteria! (Late April to early May) -

The average temperature in May is 19.9°C. Wisteria is in full bloom from late April to early May! The Sandai shrine are famous for their magnificent old wisteria, known as "sand-rubbed wisteria" because the spikes grow so long they rub against the ground. You can also collect goshuin stamps at the four wisteria-related shrines (Sandai shrine, Shina Shrine, Sosha Shrine, and Tachiki shrine). Why not try collecting goshuin stamps that are only available during this time of year?

June ~ Japan's largest collection of water lilies ~

The average temperature in June is 21.5℃. During this time, you should definitely visit the Kusatsu City Aquatic Botanical Garden Mizunomori to see the largest collection of water lilies in Japan!

July ~ Enjoy the hidden fireworks! ~

The average temperature in July is 27.6°C. The Kusatsu Yoshi Torch Festival is held in the latter half of July. The reeds are harvested in January, dried for half a year, stored until summer, and burned at the Kusatsu Yoshi Torch Festival to convey the importance of Mother Lake Biwa to many people. In 2024, on Saturday, July 27th, reed torches will light up the summer nights with fireworks in the sky.

August ~Let's take some great photos!~

The average temperature in August is 27.7℃. We recommend the Paraguayan water lily test ride event at Kusatsu City Aquatic Botanical Garden Mizunomori, which is very popular every year! There is a weight limit, but you can experience floating on the water by riding on a large water lily!

September: "Inazuma Rock Festival 2024" will be held in Kusatsu City.

Inazuma Rock Fest 2024 September 21st (Sat) and September 22nd (Sun) For more details, please visit the official website!

Inazuma Rock Fest 2024 Official Website

October and November - Enjoy cycling around Lake Biwa!

Join this cycling event held in the refreshing months of October and November. The straight cycling route from Kusatsu city to Lake Biwa is very popular.

Enjoy cycling!

December ~ Come and celebrate Christmas here! ~

The average temperature in December is 5°C. During this time, giant Christmas boots appear in front of the Kusatsu Estopia Hotel near the station! Christmas boots (silver boots) are said to have originated from Kinsho Bussan Co., Ltd., located in the shopping arcade at the west exit of JR Kusatsu Station. "If we enlarge the small Santa shoes that decorate Christmas trees and fill them with sweets, everyone will be happy..." It all started with this idea from the previous generation, and Christmas boots have been manufactured for over 60 years since the 1950s. Currently, 2 million different types of Christmas boots are manufactured annually, and they have become an indispensable item during the Christmas season that has spread throughout Japan.

January and February: Sake brewing season begins

A recommended event for this time of year is a hike around sake breweries led by a volunteer guide. You can see long-established sake breweries that you rarely get to see. You can also sample the sake, so you might find your favorite sake.

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This site introduces tourist information for Kusatsu City, Shiga Prefecture. It is packed with information on attractive spots, hotels, and gourmet food, such as the nature-filled aquatic plant park Mizunomori, Lake Biwa Museum, the historic Tachiki shrine and the Sandai shrine, Kusatsujuku Honjin, and Rokuha Park, which is fun for the whole family.

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