Biwako: A trip around Karasuma Peninsula and Mizunomori

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Experience nature on a trip to the Karasuma Peninsula overlooking Lake Biwa, focusing on the Aquatic Plant Garden. Visit a pond reminiscent of a Monet painting, a beautiful white sand beach, a pet-friendly cafe, and don't forget to pick up some locally produced souvenirs.

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Required time

Approximately 5 hours

directions_bus_filled Bus
directions_walk On foot

A guide who knows the local area well will show you around!

We would like to introduce you to a course that the Kusatsu City Tourism Volunteer Association has put their all into creating.
Why not take a tour of Kusatsu with a guide who is a big fan of the area?

Biwako Karasuma and Mizunomori Tour

Experience nature on this trip, centered around the aquatic plant garden, on the Karasuma Peninsula overlooking Lake Biwa. Visit a pond reminiscent of a Monet painting, a beautiful white sand beach, a pet-friendly cafe, and don't forget to pick up some local souvenirs.

JR Biwako Line ・Kusatsu Line Kusatsu Station

From the west exit of Kusatsu Station, take the Ohmi Railway Bus for about 25 minutes (one way 440 yen)

Kusatsu City Aquatic Botanical Garden Mizunomori

Approximately 12 minutes

White Beach

Approximately 6 minutes


Approximately 5 minutes

GreenPlaza KARASUMA (Roadside Station Kusatsu)

Approximately 1 minute

Rock Bay Garden (Roadside Station Kusatsu)

About 24 minutes from Omi Railway Bus "Green Plaza Karasuma" (440 yen one way)

JR Biwako Line ・Kusatsu Line Kusatsu Station

Apply for a guide here

Application and Inquiry

Kusatsu City Tourist Volunteer Guide Association

〒525-0034 Kusatsu City Downtown Community Facility Kusatsu Yumehonjin 2-10-21 Kusatsu, Kusatsu City, Shiga Prefecture

TEL 077-563-3700 FAX 077-563-3700 Reception hours: 9:30-18:00 (Closed 12/29-1/3)

Written by

This site introduces tourist information for Kusatsu City, Shiga Prefecture. It is packed with information on attractive spots, hotels, and gourmet food, such as the nature-filled aquatic plant park Mizunomori, Lake Biwa Museum, the historic Tachiki shrine and the Sandai shrine, Kusatsujuku Honjin, and Rokuha Park, which is fun for the whole family.

The information presented in this article is based on the time it was written. Note that there may be changes in the merchandise, services, and prices that have occurred after this article was published. Please contact the facility or facilities in this article directly before visiting. Some of our articles contain affiliate links. We kindly ask our readers to exercise careful judgement when making a purchase or booking a service online.

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