Imamiya Ebisu Shrine is your ally in business prosperity! A summary of things you should know about Toka Ebisu and Goshuin

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Imamiya Ebisu Shrine is one of the Seven Lucky Gods and is known as the power spot of Kansai, where Ebessan, the god of prosperity in business, is located. Many people look forward to the Toka Ebisu festival, which is held at the beginning of the year. Here, we will introduce you to information you...

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【A Place Where Tradition Meets Modernity】 We are sharing the charms of Wakayama and Osaka with the world. Let's journey through Japan together, creating stories that resonate and unforgettable experiences. From the serene temples and shrines and the lush, healing mountains of Wakayama to the vibrant cities and gourmet food of Osaka, we deliver their attractions without leaving anything out. Join us in fully enjoying the beauty of Japan. 『This account is operated by Nankai Electric Railway Co., Ltd.』 *Photo Description: Kozagawa Ichimaiiwa & the Limited Express Rapi:t directly connecting Kansai International Airport and Namba.


If you want to prosper in business in Kansai, this is the place for you! What is Imamiya Ebisu Shrine?

Ebisu, one of the Seven Lucky Gods, has been worshipped as the strongest "God of Fortune" since ancient times in Japan. With a fishing rod in his right hand and a sea bream in his left hand, his plump face is very heartwarming.

As you can imagine from the fact that he is holding a sea bream and a fishing rod, Ebisu-sama was originally the "god of fishing." It wasn't until the Muromachi period, when the belief in the Seven Lucky Gods became widespread in Japan, that he became known as the "god of prosperity in business."

Imamiya Ebisu Shrine in Naniwa Ward, Osaka City, is dedicated to this deity and is said to bring good fortune in business and prosperity.

The shrine was founded in 600 AD (1260 on the Imperial calendar). It is said that it was originally enshrined as the guardian of the west side of Shitennoji Temple when Prince Shotoku built it during the reign of Empress Suiko.

The deity enshrined here is Ebisu-sama, also known as Kotoshiro-no-Nushi. In addition, many other deities are enshrined here, including Amaterasu-Omikami, who is famous as the supreme deity of the eight million deities and the ancestor of the Imperial family, and the three outer deities (Susanoo-no-Mikoto, Tsukiyomi-no-Mikoto, and Wakahime-no-Mikoto).

Imamiya Ebisu Shrine is one of the most powerful spots in the Kansai region, where you can meet gods with incredible power! It seems that one visit there will bring you all kinds of good fortune.

By the way, the Toka Ebisu festival, which is held every year for three days on January 9th, 10th, and 11th, is covered by various media outlets and is constantly being introduced on social media.

In addition, the summer festival "Kodomo Ebisu" will host the "Imamiya Ebisu Manzai Newcomer Contest," a "gateway to success in comedy" where Downtown won the top prize when they were just starting out. Young comedians who are not yet well known to the world will appear one after another, making it a very interesting event.

And when visiting Imamiya Ebisu Shrine, don't forget to do the "Ura Mairi (reminding visit)". "Ura Mairi" is a unique way of praying where, after praying at the main shrine, you bang on a large drum at the back to make sure that "Ebisu-san, please listen to my wish! I'm counting on you!"

Being able to double-check both the front and back is very reassuring when you have a wish that you really want to come true.

What are the benefits of Imamiya Ebisu Shrine?

The most famous benefit of Imamiya Ebisu Shrine is "business prosperity." It is recommended for business owners, as well as company employees and freelancers who are expected to achieve results, such as sales staff. In addition, did you know that Ebisu Shrine also has the benefit of "good fortune and prosperity" in addition to business prosperity?

"Fukutoku Enman" means a state in which one is "full of good fortune and virtue, without lacking anything." It refers to being happy and prosperous. In other words, Imamiya Ebisu Shrine is a powerful power spot where you can obtain "happiness of the heart" in addition to the benefits of "Fukutoku Enman."

Imamiya Ebisu Shrine is also famous as one of the "Three Great Ebisu Shrines of Japan." "Three Great Ebisu Shrines of Japan" is a collective term for the following three shrines.

・Kyoto Ebisu Shrine (Kyoto City)

・Imamiya Ebisu Shrine (Osaka City)

・Nishinomiya Shrine (Nishinomiya City, Hyogo Prefecture)

Among these, the "Toka Ebisu" festival, held for three days only once a year at Imamiya Ebisu Shrine, is extremely popular, attracting as many as one million pilgrims.

What is Toka Ebisu at Imamiya Ebisu Shrine?

Imamiya Ebisu Shrine is most famous for the Toka Ebisu festival, which is held for three days only from January 9th to 11th every year.

"Toka Ebisu" is a seasonal event most associated with the Kansai region, held to worship Ebisu, the god of fishing, prosperous business, bountiful harvests, and prosperity.

The 9th is called "Yoi Ebisu," the 10th "Hon Ebisu," and the 11th "Zanmari Fuku," with "Hon Ebisu" being the main event of the festival. "Yoi Ebisu" is held as the eve of the festival. "Zanmari Fuku" is held as the after-festival, and during this period the festival is bustling with people praying to Ebisu for happiness in the year ahead.

By the way, Imamiya Ebisu Shrine usually receives around 50,000 visitors on New Year's Day, but during the "Toka Ebisu" festival, it is said that the shrine receives 20 times as many visitors (approximately 1 million people!!). You can see how popular it is just by looking at the number of visitors. As this area has a history of development as a "town that has been engaged in commerce since ancient times," many people gather here to pray for prosperity in business.

And speaking of Toka Ebisu, the endless phrase "Bring bamboo for prosperous business!" is familiar to many. That's right! Many visitors come to the shrine to get bamboo called "Fukuzasa".

"Fukuzasa" is a bamboo stalk with various auspicious items (such as rice sacks, magic mallets, and rakes) attached to the ends in hopes of prosperity in business. During the Toka Ebisu festival, the area is packed with people looking for these "Fukuzasa," so crowded that it's hard to find room to walk.

At this time, lively music echoes around the area, shouting "Bring bamboo for prosperous business!", and rows of stalls selling colorful decorations line the streets. Walking through the grounds surrounded by vibrant colors is like walking into another world. If you like power spots, you'll be thrilled.

When will Toka Ebisu be held in 2025 (Reiwa 7)?

The dates for the 2025 Toka Ebisu Festival are as follows:

・January 9th (Thursday) “Yoi Ebisu”

January 10 (Friday) "Hon-Ebisu"

・January 11 (Saturday) "Nokori Ebisu"

What is the lucky bamboo of the Toka Ebisu festival?

The biggest mission of the Toka Ebisu festival is to obtain a "Fukuzasa" (lucky bamboo), a lucky charm for business prosperity. The bamboo is distributed free of charge within the grounds of Imamiya Ebisu Shrine, and once the "Fuku Musume" (Lucky Girls) tie an ornament called a "Kitcho" to the end of the bamboo branch, the lucky bamboo is complete.

The "Kichijo" at Imamiya Ebisu Shrine includes a variety of auspicious items such as noshi abalone, lucky bags, oval coins, and mallets, all in one package, so you don't have to buy everything separately. What's more, even though it includes a variety of "Kichijo," the average offering is only 2,000 yen. It feels like a great deal.

Of course, you can also receive "kotakara" (small treasures) such as "koban" (oval coins), "Ebisu sea bream," and a "treasure ship" carrying a rice sack, which are good luck charms for business prosperity. You can also purchase decorations that suit your wishes separately.

Incidentally, the lucky bamboo at Imamiya Ebisu Shrine is made from a branch of Moso bamboo. Bamboo has been said to house divine spirits since ancient times, and bamboo has antiseptic and antibacterial properties, so it is sometimes used for purification at shrines. Even today, in the "ground-breaking ceremony" held before building a house or building, bamboo is erected at each of the four corners to purify the place where the gods will come, and prayers are made to the god of the land for the safe construction of the building.

As bamboo grows quickly and grows straight up, it has long been considered a symbol of vitality and prosperity in business. Furthermore, you may know that bamboo has "nodes," but bamboo is the only plant that has these nodes. It is said that grass and trees do not have nodes, so in this respect too, bamboo seems to have some kind of mystical power.

Because of the nodes, bamboo will not break or fall even in strong winds. It is no wonder that bamboo is considered a lucky charm, as people wish to emulate its indomitable nature.

In addition to the blessings of prosperity in business bestowed by Ebisu-sama, let's go and receive some "Fukuzasa" (lucky bamboo) that are distributed at the Toka Ebisu festival at Imamiya Ebisu Shrine, with the hope of overcoming the rough waves of life without breaking or falling, just like bamboo!

How can I get a lucky bamboo?

The Tenka Ebisu lucky bamboo is distributed free of charge within the grounds of Imamiya Ebisu Shrine.

In 2025, lucky bamboo will be distributed from 7am to 1am on all three days of the Toka Ebisu festival, from January 9th to 11th. (※The lucky girls will be serving from 9am to 9pm.) By the way, the distribution times for 2025 have not yet been decided, so it is a good idea to check the official website of Imamiya Ebisu Shrine.

*Please check the official website for the latest information on the above events.

Imamiya Ebisu Shrine Official Website

How do I return the lucky bamboo?

When you get a new lucky bamboo at the Toka Ebisu festival, you may wonder how to dispose of the old bamboo.

Old bamboo can be returned at any time, not just during the Toka Ebisu festival. The place to return it is a white box set up a few meters away from the main shrine. The box has "Old bamboo/old charms return box" written on it, so even first-time visitors can easily find it.

However, you can only return the offerings between 6 am and 10 pm, so if you are heading to the shrine in person, make sure you don't go outside of these hours.

The best place to return the lucky bamboo is to the Imamiya Ebisu Shrine where you received it, but it's fine to return it to a nearby shrine. However, some shrines may be unmanned and may not accept returns. Be sure to check in advance whether you can return the old bamboo.

Another way to return it is to mail it to Imamiya Ebisu Shrine. In that case, please write "Old bamboo" or "Old bill" in the item name column of the delivery slip. Even if you mail it, the old bamboo will be properly purified and burned.

Types of amulets at Imamiya Ebisu Shrine

Speaking of shrines, it's all about talismans! Imamiya Ebisu Shrine has several talismans that can only be purchased here, which are said to grant the blessings of Ebisu-sama's blessings of prosperity in business and happiness and prosperity.


This small talisman features a smiling Ebisu deity holding a bright red sea bream in his left hand and a fishing rod in his right. You can always feel the benefits of prosperous business and good fortune.

・Lucky daughter guardian

Small charms in the shape of the "Fuku Musume" that appear at the Toka Ebisu festival. Not only can you bring home the good fortune of Imamiya Ebisu Shrine, but you can also gaze upon the adorable figure of the Fuku Musume any time you like.

・Large size

This large, golden charm gives the impression of bringing prosperity to business! Its large size makes it difficult to carry around, but just having it on your desk is sure to give you a boost of motivation.

・Fuku koban

These charms are in the shape of small coins, about 1/10 the size of larger ones. They are said to bring good luck in business and are small enough to fit in your wallet, so you can carry them with you at all times.

・Ebisu sea bream

This golden sea bream charm also seems to bring good luck. Since Ebisu-sama holds a sea bream, I think it is a good charm for praying for a good catch as well as prosperity in business.

In addition to the above, there are also original Imamiya Ebisu Shrine charms available, so you can take home one that suits your wishes.

As for the amulets, you can purchase them anytime during the gift shop's opening hours (9am - 5pm), even when festival days such as the Toka Ebisu festival are not being held.

About the Goshuin of Imamiya Ebisu Shrine

There are two types of goshuin stamps at Imamiya Ebisu Shrine: those that can be received at any time, and those that are only available during the Toka Ebisu festival.

The limited-edition goshuin stamps feature a bamboo motif in honor of "Fukuzasa." They are rare goshuin stamps that can only be purchased during the Toka Ebisu festival, so you'll definitely want to get your hands on one.

On the other hand, regular goshuin stamps are also full of blessings. In the middle, it says "Ebisu Okami" and has the power to make you feel like you are receiving all of Ebisu's blessings. Also, in the top right corner of the goshuin stamp, there is a "tai seal" associated with Ebisu. This is also cute and will warm your heart.

In addition, during the Toka Ebisu festival, if you receive a regular goshuin, a "Toka Ebisu" stamp will be placed on it. During the Toka Ebisu festival, you can receive both limited edition and regular goshuin, so if you like collecting goshuin, be sure to check it out!

By the way, the hours for accepting goshuin stamps are 9:00-17:00 (9:00-22:00 during the Toka Ebisu period. *However, various conditions may be changed as a measure against infectious diseases.)

Imamiya Ebisu Shrine is one of the "Osaka Seven Lucky Gods Tour"

Imamiya Ebisu Shrine is one of the "Osaka Seven Lucky Gods Tour," which involves visiting seven shrines in Osaka and collecting goshuin stamps. It is said that by visiting the following seven shrines, you can receive the blessings of the Seven Lucky Gods to the fullest.

・Imamiya Ebisu Shrine Ebisu Okami "Prosperity in business"

・Okuninushi Shrine: Hinode Okuni-jinja "Good fortune and good luck"

・Daijobo Bishamonten "Harmony and good fortune"

・Han-Hanji Temple Benzaiten "Treasure of Wisdom"

・Chokyu-ji Temple Fukurokuju ``Shouting virtue''

・Sanko Shrine Jurojin "Wealth, dignity and longevity"

・Shitennoji Hotei-do Hoteison “Shimon Raifuku”

All of the temples and shrines that are part of the Osaka Seven Lucky Gods tour are located in Osaka City, so it is possible to complete all seven locations in one day. Special colored paper is provided, so enjoy collecting stamps while visiting the shrines and shrines.

Don't miss the stamps from the "Nankai Line Seven Lucky Gods Tour"

There are various Seven Lucky Gods Tours all over the country, but Imamiya Ebisu Shrine is one of the "Nankai Line Seven Lucky Gods Tours." The "Nankai Line Seven Lucky Gods Tour" covers seven shrines in Osaka City, Sakai City, Kaizuka City, Sennan City, Izumi City, and Izumisano City.

・Imamiya Ebisu Shrine Ebisu Okami "Prosperity in business"

・Okuninushi Shrine: Hinode Okuni-jinja "Good fortune and good luck"

・Bandai-ji Temple Bishamonten "Avoid disasters and bring good fortune" ・Mizuma-ji Temple Benzaiten "Wisdom and treasures" ・Chokei-ji Temple Fukurokuju "Bring good fortune" ・Shipporaku-ji Temple Hotei "Successful harmony" ・Matsuo-ji Temple Jurojin "Wealth, honor and longevity"

Special colored paper is also available here, so why not visit the seven shrines and get some goshuin stamps that you can only get here?

Access information for Imamiya Ebisu Shrine

In addition to the blessings it offers, Imamiya Ebisu Shrine is also attractive for its convenient location, within walking distance of both Namba Station and Tennoji Station.


1-6-10 Ebisu Nishi, Naniwa-ku, Osaka City, Osaka Prefecture, 556-0003

The closest station to Imamiya Ebisu Shrine is Imamiya Ebisu Station on the Nankai Koya Line. Leave the exit and walk left for 2 minutes (170m).

There are many stations around Imamiya Ebisu Shrine, and there are the following ways to access them:

・The nearest station is Imamiya Ebisu Station on the Nankai Koya Line.

・5 minutes walk east from Exit 3 of Daikokucho Station on the Midosuji Subway Line

・5 minutes walk west from Exit 5 of Ebisucho Station on the Sakaisuji Subway Line

・5 minutes walk west from Ebisucho Station on the Hankai Line

・10 minute walk north from JR Shin-Imamiya Station, or transfer to the Nankai Koya Line at JR Shin-Imamiya Station and get off at Imamiya-Ebisu Station

The nearest IC is the Namba exit on the Hanshin Expressway Route 1 Loop Line.

There is no parking lot at Imamiya Ebisu Shrine, so please use the paid parking lot nearby.

During the Toka Ebisu festival, traffic restrictions are in place on the surrounding roads, and they are very congested, so please drive with care. Also, if you are driving to Toka Ebisu, we recommend that you take into consideration the surrounding congestion and park in a parking lot about one or two stations away from Imamiya Ebisu Station, the nearest station to Imamiya Ebisu Shrine, and then walk to the shrine.

Start the New Year with a rich connection at Imamiya Ebisu Shrine

At the beginning of the new year, many people would like to pray for business success and financial luck. Imamiya Ebisu Shrine offers blessings not only for business success and prosperity, but also for good fortune and prosperity.

In addition, the "Toka Ebisu" festival, which is held to worship Ebisu, the god of prosperity in business and good fortune, is held every year in early January and is a big event that attracts many people. It's the perfect time to make a new prayer, so why not go and check it out?

Original article:

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Roots of Japan


【A Place Where Tradition Meets Modernity】 We are sharing the charms of Wakayama and Osaka with the world. Let's journey through Japan together, creating stories that resonate and unforgettable experiences. From the serene temples and shrines and the lush, healing mountains of Wakayama to the vibrant cities and gourmet food of Osaka, we deliver their attractions without leaving anything out. Join us in fully enjoying the beauty of Japan. 『This account is operated by Nankai Electric Railway Co., Ltd.』 *Photo Description: Kozagawa Ichimaiiwa & the Limited Express Rapi:t directly connecting Kansai International Airport and Namba.

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