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16 Japanese Words You Should Learn For Your Trip To Japan
Kanji, the Sino-Japanese characters, can be very confusing for tourists. Here we've compiled a list of 16 words you should learn to recognize in order to make your journey go more smoothly.
Accommodation-Related Kanji
11. 献立
Reading: Kondate
This refers to a menu, and the order in which dishes will be served. You will often see this at Japanese restaurants, and items will be brought out in that order.
12. 決済
Reading: Kessai
This word will come up when you pay to book a hotel using your credit card. It means “paid in full,” so you don’t need to pay in cash when you arrive.
Public Transportation-Related Kanji
13. 運賃
Reading: Unchin
This means “fare”. Fares will vary according to number of passengers, travel time and distance.
14. 切符
Reading: Kippu
This refers to all types of tickets, from passenger tickets to admission tickets.
15. 入力
Reading: Nyuuryoku
This means “to enter information”. When it comes to transportation, if you’re buying a ticket with your card, you need to punch in the price and your PIN.
16. 精算
Reading: Seisan
Meaning “to square an account”, you will often see this when you get off a train to leave the station and your ticket doesn’t cover the fare. Go to the 精算所 (“seisansho”, the fare adjustment machine) and insert your ticket to pay the difference.
In Closing
If you can understand these 16 words, your trip to Japan will go more smoothly and it'll be even easier to deal with travel issues!