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Ibaraki's Best 8 Best Cafe Restaurants in Japan 2023

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Here are the Best 8 Cafe Restaurants in Ibaraki, as rated by locals. Enjoy Cafe and more!

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We have prepared 8 of the most popular and recommended cafe restaurants in Ibaraki Prefecture for you. Discover the best restaurants Japan has to offer.

Disclaimer: Please note that this article is an automatic translation and may contain typos.

1. Nora's Cafe

1-2-3 Midoricho, Mito City, Ibaraki Prefecture

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A cozy old house cafe. After retiring from teaching, the owner, Tetsuo Takase, refined his cooking skills at a culinary arts school and a French cooking class before opening Noraz Cafe in 2013. Inside the store, the unique texture of old wood and the natural light from the windows create a warm space. We use carefully selected ingredients such as pesticide-free vegetables and Okukuji eggs. This is a restaurant where you can enjoy lunch in a relaxed atmosphere.

2. Alice's teahouse

2-11-8 Umezono, Tsukuba City, Ibaraki Prefecture

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A cafe that stands quietly in a residential area. A tea specialty store in an open house, offering about 20 varieties of tea from all over the world. It is possible to taste tea with monthly lunches, handmade cakes and scones. The stylish space decorated with British style interior is very popular with women. Please spend a relaxing and healing time.

3. Cafe La Famille

911-1 Yuki, Yuki City, Ibaraki Prefecture

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It's a lovely shop with attention to detail. It was a very comfortable atmosphere to talk with customers. Healed. The food looks cute and tastes delicious.

4. lettuce cafe

2539-62 Ishigami Tojuku, Tokai-mura, Naka-gun, Ibaraki Prefecture

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A restaurant famous for its omelet rice, which is gaining popularity mainly among female customers. Inside the store, the seats are divided by partitions, creating a stylish atmosphere. For lunch, if you order omelet rice or doria, you can enjoy all-you-can-eat drinks, salads, and chiffon cakes, which is excellent value for money. Their signature dish, omelet rice, is fluffy and melty, and goes well with ketchup rice, which has just the right amount of firmness.

5. cox

448-1 Onozaki, Tsukuba City, Ibaraki Prefecture

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A hidden cafe with a concrete building that looks like a huge monument. You can taste modern cakes and food that taste and look good. Home-roasted coffee is also delicious.

6. Daigo Cafe

688 Daigo, Daigo Town, Kuji County, Ibaraki Prefecture

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A cafe opened after repairing and refurbishing an old merchant house that was over 100 years old. The omelet rice and apple cake are famous, but the food is also full of volume and delicious.

7. Omonmatent

4154-4 Omonma, Toride City, Ibaraki Prefecture

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A cozy cafe attached to the gallery. Soup set and curry are famous and loved by locals. The coffee, which is hand-ground after the order is placed, is delicious.

8. tin cotton cafe

3-13-3 Amakubo, Tsukuba City, Ibaraki Prefecture

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Only the reservation site dedicated to the shop will be accepted.

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Main image by PIXTA

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