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Hitachi Seaside Park: Ibaraki's Sky Blue Nemophila Flower Garden

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Hitachi Seaside Park features various beautiful seasonal flowers and large green spaces. At no other time of the year is this park more beautiful than when the blue Nemophila flowers go in bloom at the beginning of May!

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Hitachi Seaside Park in Spring - View the Beautiful Nemophila Flowers!

The Hitachi Seaside Park is a wide public park in Ibaraki stretching over an area of around 350 hectares. This park is famous countrywide for its various seasonal flowers blooming throughout the year - narcissus and tulips in spring, nemophila and roses in early summer, zinnias in summer, and kochia and cosmos flowers in the fall.

Therapy for the soul: blue sea of Nemophila at Hitachi Seaside Park, Ibaraki

To get to the flower garden, you will walk along some narrow paths which will lead you under the green canopy. Hitachi Seaside Park is remarkable not only for its famous flowers, but also for its amazingly large green space - a perfect place for those who love nature.

Therapy for the soul: blue sea of Nemophila at Hitachi Seaside Park, Ibaraki

Nemophila flowers at Hitachi Seaside Park

However, when speaking of Hitachi Seaside Park, people will immediately think of its famous Nemophila flowers. It will soon be the season for this flower to bloom! Let's see some of the reasons why you should definitely check out this garden around the beginning of May.

See the Nemophila on Miharashi Hill

Therapy for the soul: blue sea of Nemophila at Hitachi Seaside Park, Ibaraki

Nemophila in full bloom - a sea of little blue bells

Nemophila is commonly known as Baby Blue Eyes. It is said that newborn babies of European heritage usually have blue eyes, no matter what color they will later become.

As the name suggests, Nemophila is a transparent round-shaped flower with a sky-blue color, just as bright and pure like the color of a baby’s eyes. This color is found comparatively rare in the vegetal world, and this may be the reason why it receives so much attention.

Therapy for the soul: blue sea of Nemophila at Hitachi Seaside Park, Ibaraki

The view at the foot of the hill called "Miharashi no Oka"; the contrast between the yellow color of the rapeseed field and the light blue color of the hill covered in Nemophila is splendid!

The best time to see Nemophila is from late-April to mid-May. During this time, you can see millions of small blue bell-shaped flowers spreading over the Miharashi Hill in Hitachi Seaside Park.

Therapy for the soul: blue sea of Nemophila at Hitachi Seaside Park, Ibaraki

Beyond the hill, you will see the vast, blue Pacific Ocean

One of the special features of this park is that here, at this time of the year, you can enjoy the fusion of the blue of the ocean with the color of the sky and the blue of the hill covered in Nemophila. This happens only once a year so be sure not to miss this chance!

Therapy for the soul: blue sea of Nemophila at Hitachi Seaside Park, Ibaraki

After a busy week, spending a weekend at this hill will be like therapy! The beautiful flowers will take away your fatigue.

Nemophila flowers may look small and fragile but they are attributed with a wonderful, rare power: the power to heal. According to "Flower Essence Repertory", a book by Patricia Kaminski, the essence of Nemophila helps improve the emotional state of people who experienced a lack of love throughout their childhood. The beautiful color of this flower also helps relieve stress.

Therapy for the soul: blue sea of Nemophila at Hitachi Seaside Park, Ibaraki

The sight of this cute “intruder” among the sea of Baby Blue Eyes may bring a smile on your face.

In flower language, the Nemophila bears the meaning of “success everywhere”. When you see a field of Nemophila it's like millions of flowers are ringing in the wind, wishing you success and happiness. It’s a true blessing to be able to see this special flower.

Therapy for the soul: blue sea of Nemophila at Hitachi Seaside Park, Ibaraki

Other Features of the Hitachi Seaside Park

Right at the foot of Miharashi HIll, you will find an outdoor food court where you can rest in the shade and try the special local dishes offered at the shops in the park.

Therapy for the soul: blue sea of Nemophila at Hitachi Seaside Park, Ibaraki

The wisteria look like dozens of luxurious kanzashi (Japanese traditional hair ornaments) of the beautiful maiko. Aren't they gorgeous?

You can also enjoy the sight of a romantic curtain of wisteria swaying in the wind.

Therapy for the soul: blue sea of Nemophila at Hitachi Seaside Park, Ibaraki

You can choose to sit at one of the wooden tables in the garden, or on the ring right under the wisterias. Some of the flower petals might join you!

Therapy for the soul: blue sea of Nemophila at Hitachi Seaside Park, Ibaraki

After spending some time in the sun, feeling the breeze, on the hill, how about taking a cool, peaceful walk under the trees? The park has many small pathways that lead into its mysterious garden. The trees have various shapes, colors, and features. You might encounter there plants you have never seen before!

Visit the Hitachi Seasde Park to See Beautiful Flowers!

Therapy for the soul: blue sea of Nemophila at Hitachi Seaside Park, Ibaraki

Hitachi Seaside Park is one of the most beautiful public gardens in Japan. However, at no other time of the year, is this garden more splendid than at the beginning of May when the Nemophila are in bloom. If you have the chance, do visit this amazing park!

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I'm a wanderer of Middle-Earth. I travel everywhere to collect beautiful memories of this pale blue dot in the sky. Let me have the honor to guide you.

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