Easy Access from Nagano and Kanazawa: Things to Do Around Toyama Station!

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We will introduce Toyama's sightseeing spots, Fugan Canal Kansui Park, Toyama Prefectural Museum of Art, and the restaurant "BiBiBi & JURULi" in the Toyama Prefectural Museum of Art.

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1. Fugan Canal Kansui Park

Enjoy the Green Park and Canal Views

Fugan Canal Kansui Park is a park where you can enjoy the beautiful scenery of the four seasons with a vast green area.

The location is about 10 minutes on foot from JR Toyama Station North Exit. Walking paths are maintained in the park, and you can take a walk along the banks of the beautiful canals. Especially in spring, when the cherry blossoms are in full bloom, it is crowded with people enjoying cherry blossom viewing.

In summer, a summer festival is held where you can enjoy food stalls and illuminations. Enjoy seasonal events and get in touch with the local culture.

Recommended for Leisure and Picnics

Fugan Canal Kansui Park is also ideal for leisure activities and picnics.

You can enjoy spending time with your family and friends on the spacious lawn. It is popular as a spot where children can have fun and play.

For details, please check the website.


2. Toyama Prefectural Museum of Art

A Museum that Bridges Art and Design 

The Toyama Prefectural Museum of Art exhibits a wide variety of art and design, from design works such as posters and chairs, to works by the masters of 20th century art.

The building of the Toyama Prefectural Museum of Art features a beautiful design that harmonizes with the works of art.

Adopting a modern architectural style, the building itself has the charm of a work of art. Not only the exterior but also the interior has been carefully selected for lighting and design, creating a comfortable space.

Don’t Forget to Visit the Rooftop! Child-Friendly Area 

Onomatopoeia rooftop is the rooftop garden of the Toyama Prefectural Museum of Art .

Onomatopoeias are onomatopoeia and mimetic words such as ``guruguru'' and ``whisper''.

You can see the magnificent Tateyama mountain range in the east and the sunset in the west. It is also a spot where you can enjoy the night view.

For details, please check the website.


3. Bibibi and Jururi

A Restaurant Located Inside the Museum! Enjoy Stylish Meal 

Stimulate your sensibility with art . Eat to stimulate your appetite . We have a menu inspired by art works.

Ingredients are procured from producers in all 15 municipalities of Toyama Prefecture, and tableware is original tableware requested from craftsmen and manufacturers in Toyama. You can spend your time to your heart's content in a special space surrounded by works of art, with the spectacular Tateyama Mountain Range viewed from the large glass windows on the south side.

We also have a plan that can be reserved for private parties, events, etc. at the museum at night.

3 Recommended Events at BiBiBi & JURULi 

1. Enjoy Beer and the Sunset at the Summer Beer Festival

A beer festival where you can enjoy the sunset and beer at the museum started this summer. It has been well received and is sometimes fully booked on weekends.

Beginning with an assortment of cheese and salami that is perfect for beer, the spare ribs are extraordinarily juicy. About 25 kinds of drinks are all-you-can-drink.

2. Collaboration with a Local High School in Toyama

Our restaurant supports local high school students !

The Namerikawa High School development team used their knowledge of the pharmaceutical department to create a healthy craft cola , using the mineral-rich deep sea water off the coast of Namerikawa, and the chef of the restaurant decorated it with honey-soaked lemons and rosemary.

Please have a cup that you can only drink here.

3. A New Original Experience Offered from the Chef

Based on the concept of “Chef x Producer x Theme” , this is an event where a special chef will appear for a limited time and offer his original cuisine. For a limited time, we will offer dishes and productions that can only be tasted here.

You can enjoy course meals that use plenty of ingredients from Toyama Prefecture.

Check out this article for information about restaurants!

Toyama Prefectural Art Museum Restaurant "BiBiBi & JURULi"

Enjoy sightseeing in Toyama!

The area north of Toyama Station is filled with nature and beautiful scenery that symbolize the richness of Toyama.

Please use this article as a reference when enjoying sightseeing in Toyama!

Click here for articles on recommended sightseeing spots in Toyama

1 minute walk from Toyama Station! Toyama's sake bar "Bar de Mitomi"

3 recommended products at the sake bar "Bar de Mitomi" where Toyama's local sake gathers

Written by

Established by Shigeru Aoi, CEO of Atom Co., Ltd., which has a connection with Toyama, Kitanihon Shimbun, which represents Toyama, and Ayumu Ishikawa, a professional baseball player from Toyama. We are a team that connects something with Toyama and creates new businesses together with Toyama. If you define “regional revitalization” as creating a sustainable society by making use of the characteristics of each region in Japan to put a brake on the overconcentration of Tokyo, the “regional awakening” that Toyamato is aiming for is completely different. have a concept Instead of being led by the local government or government, many people with a love for Toyama will rediscover the charm of Toyama, take pride in it, and spread it around the world on their own initiative. Ultimately, the main character is “people”, and I believe that the diversity of people mixed together will enhance the appeal of Toyama.

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