Niigata's Murakami City: Enjoy Fun Events, Sightseeing, and Local Cuisine!

Kimono rental & dressing customer [Hakata: Ohama style Kanjo]

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We received a request for summer kimono rental and dressing from a customer who is going out to the Hakata summer festival [Ohama-ryu Kanjo]. This is a valuable event where you can enjoy the bustling streets of Hakata while looking at the large samurai paintings by Sekkei Ebizaki.

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Summer festival in Hakata [Ohama-ryu Kanjo]

A festival called "Ohama-ryu Kanjo" is held every year from August 24th to 26th.

Damage caused by the heavy rain in 1755 (Horeki 5),

It was started to hold a memorial service for the souls of many people who died in the epidemic in the following year.

It is a historical event that has been handed down from 1756 (1756) to today.

It is said to be the last painter in Hakata and the sutras chanted by a monk of Tochoji Ichizan.

In addition to the exhibition of warrior paintings by Yukie Ebizaki,

It is a lively summer festival with elaborate night stalls lined up.

Go out to festivals wearing summer kimono

I heard that you are going to this festival

We received a request from a customer to rent and wear a summer kimono.

The coordination that the customer chose is very nice!

It seems that there were many people on that day

It seems that you had a comfortable time without getting out of clothes.

The customer sent us a photo the other day!

Very beautiful, isn't it?

Also, when they go out in autumn and winter, they ask for kimono rental and dressing.

We'll be expecting you!

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Not "someday" I want you to wear a kimono "at that time" when you want to wear it. From such a strong thought Sosowa, which specializes in dressing for business trips, was born. We will dress you at your home, mainly in Fukuoka city. Lunch with friends, museum visits, concerts, dates. . . Like choosing the first outfit in your closet Please choose a kimono. ●Kimono rental ●Yukata rental ●Kimono dressing lesson ●Kimono care agency

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