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The Millennials Kyoto

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The Millennials Kyoto is a next-generation accommodation facility based on the concept of ``a lodging experience that sees the future'' and is equipped with ``Smart Pod'' accommodation units that utilize IoT to create functionality and excitement. We propose a hotel stay that suits each guest's life...

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The Millennials Kyoto is a next-generation lodging facility equipped with lodging units "Smart Pods" that create functionality and excitement using IoT, based on the concept of an "accommodation experience with a view of the future."

Originally, the minimal concept of capsule hotels, which was originally developed in Japan, was attracting attention worldwide, and the advancement and uniqueness of adding high functionality and entertainment through IoT based on capsule hotels is high worldwide. The project has been highly evaluated and has been featured in many domestic and international media outlets.

In addition to smart pods, the well-designed common areas, such as lounges, workspaces, and self-service kitchens, which occupy 20% of the hotel's total area, are also popular and can be used freely 24 hours a day. We suggest staying at a hotel.


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Expressing the concept with a creative design and worldview, the functional design has been designed down to the smallest detail, achieving both extraordinary and exciting feelings and ease of use. A convenient experience with DX functional services and personalized services provided by each staff with life-size hospitality, realizing flexible accommodation according to various lifestyles, and the function of just sleeping in a conventional hotel. We provide “experience value” that gives guests some kind of update through their stay.

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